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Ratings & Comments
Hi, where do have the weather app from? It looks very nice. Adrian
Your download is missing an extension. I guessed .png and did a mv empty empty.png and it worked for me to view it. Try to find flat icons to replace your few system tray icons that don't match. Maybe get rid of one of the clocks. Is there really need for two clocks? I would suggest either getting rid of the taskbar one, or replacing it with Style Clock: http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=14423 Other than that, pretty nice looking desktop.
Any icons suggestions? Also, how do you even change the sys tray icons?? Thanks for the comments.
Depending on the icon set your using, you may have to replace them manually from what I understand. For instance, if the flat icon theme doesn't have a KVirc icon, it will load a default icon. I think it's in $KDEDIR/share/icons//16x16. Where icon theme may be your selected theme or something like default.kde, hicolor, locolor, kdeclassic. Just replace the offending icon with the new one. Reload the application and the systray should be updated.