Icons pack (Jey!style) : http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/JEY!style+Icons?content=109801
Wallpaper (Bee-Bot) : http://manicho.deviantart.com/art/Bee-Bot-Wallpaper-Pack-110295124
Any Feedback is welcome

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
Very minimalistic and very nice. Which widget theme are you using?
Sorry for the late reply but I have been away on holidays for the last week without Internet access. The widget theme I used is Air.
Nice font on panel, what is it? Launchers (OPRA, TRM) is your own icons, or how do you it? Thx.
I mean font on clock on panel...
The text icons I use on the left of the panel (OPRA, KMAL, AMRK, & TRM) are from the icon set called Handelgot_Icons and can be found here: http://deviantdark.deviantart.com/art/Handelgot-Icons-85648146 The font I use for the fuzzy clock is called 'Calibri'. I hope this helps
Im not good at recognizing themes and fonts. So, what themes are you using? And also, whats the font for vim?
I tried to customise the standard KDE 4.x setup instead of installing third party mods just to see how nice I could make it. So everything you see can be changed from KDE's System Settings. I am using oxygen everything, but under appearance/windows I customised the buttons to be more to my liking. I am not sure if that answered your questions well enough but if it didn't please ask me more. The vim font I am using is called 'Pragmata' but I had to pay for that one.