kAwOken for KDE - preview

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UPDATE 23-07-11: Official Release of the iconset.

UPDATE 06-07-11: Fixed bad resolution icons for akregator, clementine and so on.

UPDATE 01-07-11: Improved Amarok and Dolphin support (as you can see in middle screenshot).

This is my first try to port AwOken iconset on KDE environment.

I'll call it kAwOken, to let users to use distinctly AwOken iconset when they're on GNOME and kAwOken iconset when they use KDE.

Please go to the deviantArt page linked below to download a first version (the download link is in the description).

It will have all the features provided by AwOken iconset, i.e. a script that lets you to choose between:

* 100^3 colors

* 115 distributor logos (this number is growing according to the requests)

* 48 folder types

* 4 trash types

* 5 computer icons

* 5 home icons

In these screenshots I want to show a working example of kAwOken iconset.

Here's a quick description of the screenshots:


* Wall: http://j3concepts.deviantart.com/art/xxi-211745169 (check his gallery, it's great!)

* Theme: Oxygen (default)

* Plasma Theme: Aero (default)

* Iconset: kAwOken colored with 99 30 00 colors

PS: Even if you can't see it, the blue version is already available. Just open a terminal and go in kAwOken folder in your user icon folder (either .kde/share/icons/kAwOken or .kde4/share/icons/kAwOken , depending on your distro), and then type:


It will run a customization script from wich you can color icons with whatever color you want! For that blue type the code posted in the deviation , and then select the new iconset created in such way!


* Wall: http://ibeliveicanfly.deviantart.com/art/L-arbre-de-pierre-193533820

* Theme: http://narf41.deviantart.com/art/Leichtsinn-QtCurve-and-Colors-215621775 (simply great!)

* Plasma Theme: http://narf41.deviantart.com/art/Leichtsinn-Plasma-Theme-215619666 (and this too! )

* Iconset: kAwOken colored with 65 65 00 colors

PS: Even if you can't see it, the blue version is already available. Just open a terminal and go in kAwOken folder in your user icon folder (either .kde/share/icons/kAwOken or .kde4/share/icons/kAwOken , depending on your distro), and then type:


It will run a customization script from wich you can color icons with whatever color you want! For that blue type the code posted in the deviation , and then select the new iconset created in such way!


* Wall: http://lemex.deviantart.com/art/louvre-sunset-HD-wallpaper-200312853 (another great wallpaper)

* Theme: Drakfire Black KDE http://drakfire86.deviantart.com/art/Drakfire-Black-KDE-211674446 (also color scheme is kept from his great theme)

* Plasma Theme: Caledonia

* Iconset: kAwOken with default colors

So, please download it, use it, try it and give as more feedback as you can!

Ratings & Comments



Please add kencfs and keepassX icons! Thanks a lot!


Hello, I've noticed that although the subject is very very complete, in central Muon Software (Kubuntu 11.10) are not rating icons. How can I add to this theme some icons for this? Thank you. :) Great job.


I'll work on it! Even I not all icons can be replaced (and this might be the case), I'll try to do it! :)


Great! Thanks. :D


This is the most amazing iconset ever made, congratulations. Most appreciated missing icons would be: archassistant mupdf chromium (somehow it always uses the default icon in the panel - using smooth tasks) kfilebox folder-books or something having to do with study/university/school folder-torrents folder-films (different from folder-movies) folder-various folder-info folder-chat folder-backup folder-maps folder-gps folder-data dolphin icon is a bit dull - maybe you could be original and use a real dolphin there! krunner icon in the panel Settings icon shouldn't have the gnome foot ;) (I know they are a lot - just throwing out all the possible ideas there!) Also I don't know why but some panel icons stick to the normal monochrome ones, such as battery, kmix and klipper icons.


Don't worry if they're a lot, I prefer to have a bigger view of all problems could happens! :) ok for archassinstant, kfilebox, and mupdf I know for settings icon but I prefer to fix it just before the first official release since it's more conmfortable for me to do this. For folders, I'm sorry but I can help you with further icons: some of those folder themes are not mine. I used them with permission, but I've not drawed them, so for me it's impossible add something new to folder icons since it would be incomplete. For what concerns krunner, chromium, battery, kmix, klipper and so on, the problem is only panel icon? but with panel icon you're talking about systray icon right? Because since KDE4 systray icons are not related to icon theme but to plasma theme, so I cannot modify them! :( For dolphin, what do you mean with "dull"? Original dolphin icon is a drawer, so I did that icon to mimic it! :)


Archassistant, klipper, battery icons belong to the systray, so like you say they come from the plasma theme. Sorry I forgot that. But Chromium, Krunner, mupdf ,also Firefox, who live in the application bar (la barra delle applicazioni insomma, dai che ci capiamo!), in my system have their own icon, I don't know why. Kmess for example uses your icons, so do other KDE apps, they are fine. But some non-KDE apps behave wrong. Probably it's just a problem of misconfiguration of my system, but happens on my gf's laptop too. About dolphin, that drawer seems a little odd to me. Doesn't fit with other icons, but that's just my opinion! IMHO it'd be nice if the dolphin icon was a real dolphin, but that's your icon theme, you do what you want! Also you may want to build an AUR entry for your work, or ask the gnome AwOken package mantainer to mantain this too.


Can you signal me an iconset whose icons could change default firefox and chromium ones? So it should be simpler understanding the bug.. :) For krunner the icon don't change maybe since I never done it :) For a packaged version I think it's too early. Now I'm working on a beta version, but the iconset is not officially released yet! :(


Uhm, I had a try at some iconsets, but none seems to work. If I type in Krunner the app the icon shown is right, but in smooth tasks the icon used is the standard one. This happens also wth the normal application bar, so it's not a smooth tasks bug. Sorry for the late answer.


Ok maybe it's a krunner problem, so I think I cannot do something useful to solve this issue :(


Hi, sorry for the late answer, it seems that this bug s not related to the icon theme, I'll have to investigate further into this but I honestly have no idea of what it could be related to.


there are some bugs: -akregator is showing big icons for single rss, breaking the list layout -folder view plasmoid has big icons, I was forced to lower the zoom in the view (default is max)..


Could you send me a screenshot? So I can understand better! :)


here's the screenshot for akregator.. http://img94.imageshack.us/i/screenajh.png/


I should have fixed with a new version. Re-download the pack and tell me if all works! :)


man if is dont much ask, can you made a icon for Kmess? thanks in advance :) so great theme! thanks for you great work and for sharing :D


Done. Maybe this evening (or tomorrow evening) I'll upload a newer version (same download link) with kmess icon, so give it a try! :)


Thanks for the icon :) now I have a problem, the script dont run, I'm using Chakra It tell's "It seems that the set is not in a expected location..." :S


btw the icons is placed on /home/"username"/.kde4/share/icons hope it helps :)


So you went in /home/username/.kde4/share/icons/kAwOken , typed: "./kawoken-icon-theme-customization" and it didn't work? Can you give me the whole terminal output? Thanks


here it is: Initial settings. Current Release: 2.1 Please consider a small donation (1$ goes a long way) via PayPal to 'alecive87@gmail.com' ************************************************************************* ERROR: Zenity not found. Please install zenity to use this script in the new 2.1 Version. Anyway, I'll run the script in the old terminal fashion. It seems that the set is not in a expected location (or there's a bug in the script). If you think there's a bug, please send me a mail or a message in whatever way you prefer. I'll stop here.


Ok. Firstly, download and install latest 0.2 version (so we're sure that the problem isn't fixed yet). Secondly, post the output of: ls ~/.kde/share/icons and ls ~/.kde4/share/icons


man I'm feeling so stupid, I found the problem, the problem was that I ran the script in root, so I just running normally and it works :D I'm so sorry for wasting your time :( thanks for the help and the awesome theme, and sorry for my english, I'm Mexican :P


can you give the combination of color to match the classy blue folder? thanks


Ok, I'm glad you solved with your own! :) For classy, try 99-75-45 (or maybe something slightly smaller ;) )

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