Description: VV Now Playing allows to display in your signature on the french forum (about MTB) what song you're now listening. This script uses the ClientForm library that I've a hacked on line 2853 becouse of a strange bug.
VV Now Playing permet d'indiquer dans votre signature sur le forum de ce que vous écoutez en ce moment. Ce script utilise la librairie ClientForm que j'ai modifiée à la ligne 2853 à cause d'un bug bizarre.
Just download the archive, and add it in the list of scripts of amaroK via the Tools->Scripts menu. Then set up your nick/password off your account on the forum by clicking on the "Configure" button. You could also configure how the signature is build.
Téléchargez l'archive, et ajoutez la à la liste des scripts d'amaroK via le menu Outils->Scripts. Puis configurer vos identifiants/mot de passe de votre compte HFR en cliquant sur le bouton "Configuration". Vous pourrez aussi modifier la maniére dont est constuite la signature.
Ratings & Comments
cant you widen this programs focus to include most of the common forum programs?
Yes, I think about it. But the authentification method are very different some times ...