Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
iowlcd_amarok receives status information from amaroK and sends it to iowlircemu which then displays it on the LCD.
iowlircemu is basically a driver for LCDs based on Code Mercenaries GmbH's IO-Warrior24 starterkit. Last changelog:
iowlircemu is basically a driver for LCDs based on Code Mercenaries GmbH's IO-Warrior24 starterkit.
* Version 0.0.2 (15-02-2006)
- added support of different LCD widths (8/16/20/40 characters)
- modified to use changed configuration immediately
- made Tk and Tk::NumEntry optional (but still highly recommended)
* Version 0.0.1 (08-02-2006)
- Initial Release
Ratings & Comments
As in LCD Displays (Computer Monitor)?
Not for LCD monitors, but for alphanumerical LCD modules which can be integrated into the PC front panel or (if cabling permits) in a separate case. Common types have 1, 2 or 4 lines and a width of 8, 16, 20 or 40 characters. Modules with or without backlight are available. Relatively new are VFDs (Vacuum Fluorescent Displays) with compatible interface.
On SuSE 9.2 I had to create a link from /usr/bin/dcop to /opt/kde3/bin/dcop prior to installing the DCOP Perl modules.
The dcop path issue has been fixed in the perl DCOP module Version 0.035.
imho it's a nice idea :) you mean this kit [http://www.codemercs.com/IOW24KIT_D.html], do you?
Right! The web page in English is [http://www.codemercs.com/IOW24KIT_E.html]. You actually don't need to buy the Starterkit: if you have the skills and the time (but a tight budget), you can buy only the IO-Warrior 24 IC and build the circuit on a piece of breadboard. Very few components and just a couple of straight connections...