
Amarok 1.x Scripts

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AmarokFS KDM-Session
Lets you start your "Amarok" from KDM with "AmarokFS" in fullscreenmode, then you have a dedicated session only for "Amarok".

It needs:
- Amarok
- Amarok Full Screen:
Last changelog:

Now this script loads also KWin so you can access amarok by pressing your Amarok-access-key to change the playlist.

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First: Thanks for this great simple script. But I have three problems: 1) The keyboard layout is not the one I have in KDE (which gives some problems with german umlauts) 2) I use lineakd for my multimedia keys at the keyboard. It supports Amarok control via some macros ("AMAROK_BACK" for example). Just starting lineakd doesn't work, I guess there has to be another KDE component to be started. 3) Although you might get the impression that your pc is very safe with this amarokfs-"partymode"-session, it is easy to break out: use the Amarok Wikipedia function > click on any popup link and you have a konquerer opened (F4 for konsole ;-) I know there are other ways to avoid and solve these problems but I just want to have them mentioned here. Maybe the README should contain a small HOWTO create a new user and give him access only to the amarok conf and music dir.


To solve 1) and 2) I think you should figure out, how KDE does it. btw: I think I have chosen a German layout in the xorg.conf: "Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Generic Keyboard" Driver "kbd" Option "CoreKeyboard" Option "XkbRules" "xorg" Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "de" EndSection" 3) there are some ideas for pubmode in AmaroK-Wiki But you are right AmarokFS-session needs a better README and it should be more comfortable. The idea with the new user for AmarokFS is good.


is there a way to show amarok without having to bind a key in kde? would be really nice


Yes, if you load a windowmanager. You can change with it's functions to the AmaroK mainwindow. You should load it in the "/usr/local/share/amarokFS/script/"-File Mine looks like this: [code] #!/bin/sh # dieser Skript startet Amarok mit Vollbilderweiterung # this Script starts Amarok with Fullscreen Extension /usr/bin/kwin & /usr/bin/amarok & /usr/local/bin/amarokFS [/code]


you mean [alt]+[tab]? The problem is that amarok starts hidden in the systemtray, so there is no "amarok-window". A dcop call to show amarok is not clever because the only fonction is a toggle. This would work if amarok is hidden, but this state depends on the last usage and such a toggle could hide the window if amarok is already visible. i hope you understand what I mean! ;)


Yes, I think I understand, what you mean. We need a way to find out whether the window is hidden or it is not. Maybe there is a way to list all open windows with dcop-call to kwin.


Nice idea! I love it,


Thankyou. Is anybody with Ideas, what to make better? I don't know what the next version should have what isn't in the first version.


I had to change many things that this script work unter Suse. So Maybe you make different versions for different distributions. And the problem is: How do I change the playlist if the session is loaded?


What things exactly did you have to change? So I could make a SuSE version. I made it on Debian GNU/Linux. Do you think I should ask the user for the distribution, or how can I figure out, where KDM has its sessions? The play-list is really a problem. And I don't know what the AmarokFS developer(s) plan to do in the future. But In the next version the session will load a window-manager, so you can switch to Amarok, witch runs in the background, by pressing your Amarok-accesskey: [mod4]+[P] (default) ([mod4] is also known as [Windows]/[Apple]). white_gecko


Maybe with a simple "whereis (kdm)" will help?

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version 0.0.2
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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