AmarokNowPlaying for Facebook
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The script and the Facebook app are in English and French.
Home page: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=16560894862
To check is webhosting for this app is working: http://www.brandonsgames.com/chris/similitux.elementfx.com/80.gif
For Amarok 2.x, see : http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/NowPlaying+for+Amarok+2?content=107241
Montrez ce que vous écoutez avec Amarok sur votre votre profil Facebook. Vous devez pour cela ajouter l'application à l'adresse : http://apps.facebook.com/amaroknowplaying/.
Le script et l'app Facebook sont en français et en anglais.
Page principale : http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=16560894862
Pour vérifier l'état de l'hébergement de l'app : http://www.brandonsgames.com/chris/similitux.elementfx.com/80.gif
For Amarok 2.x, see : http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/NowPlaying+for+Amarok+2?content=107241
0.7.1: Changed website address + minor bug fix.
0.7: Added Zenity support (the script can zenity (GNOME) or kdialog (KDE) to display windows) + update notifier
0.6.4: Added Italian translations from Stefano Manno
0.6.3: Added Spanish translations from Ricardo Sanz Ante + Added 'User-agent' field for stats + standard-compliant multipart file sending
0.6.2: added 2 parameters to send: the song's year and its length
0.6.1: a translation corrected + $debug_http show HTTP error codes
0.6: Added Serbian translations from pejakm + cover size and pseudo are auto-filled in config dialogs.
0.5.1: Dependencies errors are correctly displayed.
0.5: Server address change, UPLOADS COVERS!
0.4: Server address change, little improvement in loadConfig() and rescues Timeout::Error due to network
0.3: Proxy support (based on environement variable "http_proxy"), english comments in script and various improvements
0.2: README update
0.1: first release
Ratings & Comments
Hi, I found this script and I think it's a good idea but I get an error when I go into the app.facebook webpage is it the app not working anymore? Thank you
This script does not work anymore, nor does the web application it is bound to.
i changed the script from if system ("convert") to this if ! system ("convert") and it was working perfect but lately the album artwork is not being send to facebook and i dont get any error from the script telling me that the artwork cannot being send, anyone with the same problem??
The script in the version you can download directly via amarok 1.4 (that is, 0.7.1) does the wrong check: if system("convert") instead of the right one: if ! system ("convert") Once you fix it, it works fine and sends the covers to FB Bye and thx for the nice work Giovanni
Is it works with Amarok 2.1? I installed the script but nothing happen.
For Amarok 2.1, you must install NowPlaying for Amarok 2 : http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/NowPlaying+for+Amarok+2?content=107241 I will add this information to this homepage. Thanks for using NowPlaying!
Done! it works, thanks.
Thanks for a great script! Do you have plans for the new amarok 2.0?
The server contacted by this script is now returning http code 302: http://staff.x10hosting.com/suspended.page/
Alternatively, you can add the Facebook last.fm application (http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2381079642) along with Amarok's built-in last.fm scrobbling support.
I've added this script to Amarok and configured it. When I set it up in Facebook I can get it to display properly in a tab but, when I try to add it to the wall it only displays a bunch of text that says: "No content to display. This box will not be visible to people who view your profile until this application adds content to it." Is this a bug or is there something I need to do to make it display properly?
Hello! The app now fills: - a profile box for the new profile's wall with only title, artist and album - a "narrow" profile box for the "Boxes" tab with only title, artist and album - a "wide" profile box for the "Boxes" tab that you can configure The tab is in development, don't use it now (unless you really listen to Muse all the day :))
Is there any chance you can make my most recently played song show up in my mini-feed?
Yes, there is! (but I will have to read about 10 times the Facebook Wiki before I understand how to do it :), so "wait and see"...)
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with the new Facebook (new.facebook.com). Can you update it?
On the new profile, the profile box is shown in the "Boxes" tab.
Odd... not showing up for me (even though I installed it).
Sorry, I made a mistake: when you add the app, and with the new Facebook profile, you must ask to have the profile box displayed, it isn't displayed by default. So to show it after adding the app, you must: (0) Add the app by going to http://apps.facebook.com/amaroknowplaying/ if you didn't do it) 1) Go to an AmarokNowPlaying canvas page (for example http://apps.new/facebook.com/amaroknowplaying/index.php) 2) In the "Applications" menu at the top of screen (for new profile only), click "Edit settings for AmarokNowplaying" 3) A dialog should appear: in the "Profile" tab, click "(add)" near "Profile box: available" 4) Check in the "Boxes" tab for the AmarokNowPlaying box, and drag it to the good place
(I'm assuming you meant the http://apps.new.facebook.com/amaroknowplaying/ link) Crap, now it's giving me that Facebook 404: Error while loading page from AmarokNowPlaying There are still a few kinks Facebook and the makers of AmarokNowPlaying are trying to iron out. We appreciate your patience as we try to fix these issues. Your problem has been logged - if it persists, please come back in a few days. Thanks! However, it does look like this is showing up in multiple applications (video, for crying out loud!), so it might not be your fault. I'll keep you posted.
It works back now. I added on home pages a link to server statistics, to check if errors are due to hosting. In this case, just wait for it to come back. Thanks for all feedbacks!
Yeah! It works!
Nice work.
Hosting works back now! You can use the plugin.
This app is hosted freely on x10hosting.com and file uploads were blocked. I have requested for it, just wait and disable cover upload (to have Amarok Logo instead of white empty space) until it works back. Sorry for false hopes...
You just have to choose "Yes" when the script asks "Do you want this script to send album covers to server? It has a little bandwidth cost." to upload covers.