icecast OGG streaming client. Currently it supports the following tags: title,
artist, album, genre, track, year and comment. Most of them are probably useless
as I don't really know much players which support more tags than title and artist
in HTTP streams at this time. But who knows...

If amaroK isn't playing any track, you can also easily instruct ices-metadata to
send a 'Stream is paused' title information.
How to use it:
Before you can use the script, you have to make sure your ices config is correct.
There are 3 options which are not configured by default, but they have to be set
for ices-metadata to work properly. Here they are:
<param name="metadata">1</param>
<param name="metadatafilename">/tmp/ices-metadata</param>
In ices-metadata you can set the location of pidfile and metadata filename by GUI.
Of course they have to match exactly.
I hope it works all fine. Have fun streaming your music!

# Depends on Python > 2.2 and PyQt
Ratings & Comments
I love your amaroK python script, but the metadata refresh after songchange doesn't work, because somehow the script doesn't send the 'kill -s USR1 "pid"' correctly... I works when I send the command manually, but that is not satisfying. Well, I would appreciate some help, because I don't know nothing about python scripting.
Ahhhh I've got it ;) I changed the command in line 234 to the following: " cmd = "sudo kill -s USR1 " + pid " because I run ices as root. Anyway, thanks for your script!
had to edit line 79 in .sh file because ConfigParser complained ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'General' or else does not send sigusr1 signal correctly