Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
based on a web browser. The browser may run on the same
machine as amaroK, on another desktop machine or - which
makes most sense - on a smart phone/PDA/web tablet/...
connected via wireless network interface (e.g. Bluetooth, WLAN,
or IrDA).
* Version 0.0.1 (26-03-2006)
- Initial Release
* Version 0.0.2 (27-03-2006)
- Added playlist display and title selection from playlist
* Version 0.0.3 (02-04-2006)
- Added configuration GUI
- Re-implemented playlist handling with DCOP::Amarok:laylist
* Version 0.0.4 (09-04-2006)
- Added context page
- Added link to current title on playlist page
* Version 0.0.5 (10-04-2006)
- Fixed "address already in use" issue - now you should get an error only
if the address/port pair really is already used (and not if the connection
is just waiting to close).
* Version 0.0.6 (15-04-2006)
- Improved and extended configuration GUI
- Fixed "togglebox:"/"album:" links on the context page
* Version 0.0.7 (19-10-2006)
- Fixed generation of empty playlist page due to <item disabled="true" ...> in playlist XML file
- Cleaned up generated HTML code
* Version 0.0.8 (27-12-2006)
- Fixed syntax in Perl/Tk GUI
Ratings & Comments
Got it working after installing lots of perl modules. Some buttons work, but when I click the controls for the music like stop, play, etc. This messge comes up: Can't locate object method "run" via package "DCOP::Amarok::Playlist" at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7/DCOP/Amarok/Playlist.pm line 106. Any help would be much appreciated
I am trying to install httpremote_amarok on mandriva... I installed below modules... DCOP-0.036.tar.gz DCOP-Amarok-0.035.tar.gz DCOP-Amarok-Player-0.036.tar.gz But I am getting this error when I type "perl httpremote_amarok.pl" Can't locate DCOP/Amarok/Playlist.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at httpremote_amarok.pl line 32. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at httpremote_amarok.pl line 32. I tried to install "DCOP-Amarok-Playlist-0.007.tar.gz" But there I get this error, Writing Makefile for DCOP::Amarok::Playlist cp ._Playlist.pm blib/lib/DCOP/Amarok/._Playlist.pm cp Playlist.pm blib/lib/DCOP/Amarok/Playlist.pm Manifying blib/man3/DCOP::Amarok::Playlist.3pm /usr/bin/perl5.8.7 "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" ._Makefile.PL ._Makefile Unrecognized character \x05 at ._Makefile.PL line 1. make: *** [._Makefile] Error 255 /usr/bin/make -- NOT OK Running make test Can't test without successful make Running make install make had returned bad status, install seems impossible Thanks...
try this: find . -name '._*' -exec /bin/rm {} \; worked for me on kubuntu 6.10 (found here: http://lists.rawmode.org/pipermail/dbix-class/2005-August/000110.html )
This is not specific to Mandriva. Unfortunately the archive of DCOP::Amarok::Playlist on CPAN seems to be broken.
The problem is the perl module has issues - do the install manually. Download the module from CPAN, then: 1. tar -xzf the file 2. do a "make Makefile.PL" 3. edit Makefile and modify all references to ._Makefile.PL to Makefile.PL 4. do a "make" 5. repeat step 3 6. do a "make install"
Thank you so much for your great help in getting this installed and running on my Kubuntu system. Now that it's running, there seems to be one problem. When I click the "Playlist" link, the page that is shown is more or less empty. Certainly it does not show the playlist. (If I try to include the source code for the page in this message, unfortunately the forum software mangles it.) If I hit the "Currently Playing" link on that page, then nothing happens at all. The only links visible are the "Back" link (twice) and the "Currently Playing" link (which does nothing).
The playlist XML file format used by amaroK seems to have been changed. Unfortunately, it is not documented. This leads to an empty playlist page generated by httpremote_amarok. As a workaround until an update of this script is ready, please comment out lines 431...433 in httpremote_amarok.pl: #if (defined($item->{disabled}) && ($item->{disabled} eq "true")) { # last; #} The link "Currently Playing" lets you jump to the title currently playing - this is useful if you have scrolled up or down in a long playlist.
This has been fixed in version 0.0.7
Does anyone know which Kubuntu package contains DCOP/Amarok/Player.pm??? Running Kubuntu 6.06-1 I am getting this error when I try to run this script: Can't locate DCOP/Amarok/Player.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /home/n7dr/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/httpremote_amarok/httpremote_amarok.pl line 31. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/n7dr/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/httpremote_amarok/httpremote_amarok.pl line 31.
There is no Kubuntu package for the perl DCOP modules yet. You have to install them from CPAN. Please refer to http://www.cpan.org/misc/cpan-faq.html#How_install_Perl_modules for details.
In the future you can check for packages for ubuntu/kubuntu at http://packages.ubuntu.com/ You can search for what package contains a certain file or for a particular package.
TO be able to contact the mysql database, and then add that music to the playlist. The mysql part should be simple, and then just make them all links to the command for amarok to add to the playlist "amarok -a" I would assume that the perl module already has this. I will atempt to chagne some this code... I'll take a quick crash course in perl, by following your code. ALSO as a side note, I had to manually downlaod and compile the 0.006 verion of DCOP::Amarok::Playlist to get it to work.
How do you connect to httpremote_amarok? - which device - which browser - what kind of network interface do you use?
Internet Explorer from Windows Mobile 2005 running on a Dell Axim X51V over 802.11b
Version 0.0.4 with context browser support is up. Please make sure to update the Perl DCOP modules accordingly and to install the Perl module MIME::Base64::Perl. Enjoy!
Is it technically feasible to serve the HTML from amaroK's context browser? Would it work in non-KHTML browsers? If so, it would be a very cool feature.
The idea already came into my mind, too. However after a first glance at the HTML code, I abandoned it. Now I checked it more thoroughly. The page is rendered perfectly by Mozilla and even with the Palm's Web Pro the result is not too bad (checked by copying the files to SD card). To get the links to the songs working could be a little tricky. I think I will give it a try, but it might take a while.
I agree that the full functionality of the sidebar would be pretty hard, but it wouldn't really matter much if stuff like the right-click menus on track names didn't work right would it? BTW, how do you get the sidebar HTML in a script? Is it a temporary file somewhere or some other method? I'd be interested to see what it looks like.
The context browser content is always reflected in ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/contextbrowser.html
Usage: DCOP::new(CLASS) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DCOP/Amarok.pm line 16. Amarok.pm line 16: my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%params, target => "amarok" ); I installed the required perl modules via cpan...
It didn't work for me first since in the script you make the assumption that the dcop binary is in /usr/bin/, which is not the case in gentoo. For the time being I made a symbolic link and now it works. Do you know also the scripts wabarok and jukebox here on kde-apps.org? Wabarok only streams music and jukebox doesn't work with recent amarok versions anymore. You could also look at wabarok and extend it to make a nice remote for amarok (hopefully I will soon revive my simpad). For gentooers out there, the needed perl modules can easily be installed via the g-cpan package in portage. With dev-perl/libwww-perl and dcopperl emerged the script exited with an error, these 2 packages would provide some of the needed perl modules and probably there are some sort of version problems. Bye, Val.
Hi Val, thanks for the hints. However, the hardcoded dcop path is in the perl DCOP module and not in this amarokscript! I had the same problem on SuSE 9.2 (and created a link, too). With the last update, dcop is used directly (without the perl wrappers) in a few places, because the playlist commands are not implemented yet ( DCOP::Amarok::Playlist does not exist yet). Maybe somebody could change the path and add support for the features currently missing. Or should we just call dcop directly? I don't know...
The dcop path issue has been fixed in the perl DCOP module Version 0.035.