Gnome Play Video in Totem
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Added message popup when the script init a stop.
Fixed Configuration.
Added Menu Entry
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Ratings & Comments
Something's wrong with this script. When I want to use another script of Amarok (anyone), AmarokFS starts with that script. If I turn off your script - everything is ok.
Is it possible to choose the desktop amarokFS shall go to (or can you add something to select)? I love having amarok on one desktop and amarokFS on another so I can change between both with Ctrl-Tab so there's no need to quit amarokFS when I want to look at something or rate a song or so.
When Amarok crashes, the script hangs and eats all cpu...
Yes. I had the same problem two days ago whe amarok crashed. I'm going to view this error when i have a free time. In this situation kill python process.
What does it do?
Launch the new application amarok Full Screen using a amarok Script.
I wrote the amarokFS location as a wrong path and now I can't change it. Please, add a configuration option to select the amarokFS location.
Yo can remove the file ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts-data/amarokFSpath or instal the new version that i up to the page.