Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Amalyp is a script which shows the Lyrics for the current playing song in Amarok.
Because Amalyp uses LRC files to get the lyrics it will highlight the current playing line, in sort-of karaoke style.
Credit for the translations goes to:
Peter Liedler - German
Myself - Dutch, English
This is the stable release of Amalyp v0.2.1.
This is a bug-fix release so there are no new features (unless you have a love for the new little check-box in the configuration screen)
If you are interested in the Users Manual you can download it on my website:
You find it there under the download section as a PDF file.
If you find bugs or are interested in translating Amalyp, please drop me an email at Codemeteor@gmail.com
New in v0.2.1:
- Removed problem with LRC files which use time tags like [01:55:66] (Thanks to Antti Kirjavainen for this fix)
- When a LRC file is removed it will be removed out of the database avoiding errors
- When one of the directory's listed to search in for LRC files is removed it will also be removed out of the configuration file avoiding errors
- Removed problem which made it only possible for Amalyp to find LRC files in other directory's than the one of the current song (Thanks to Antti Kirjavainen for pointing me to this problem)
- Fixed a bug which made the list of directory's to search grow over time when Amalyp is running which made the search routine slow down.
New in v0.2.0:
- Saves associated lyrics in database
- Searches for the LRC files in the same directory as the playing song
- Searches for LRC files in a list of given directory's
- Shifts the LRC file forward and backward in time by pressing the 8 and 2 button
New in v0.1.0 (previous v0.0.1):
- Some graphics
- More colors
- The lyrics are centered
New in v0.1.0 RC2 (previous v0.0.1 RC2):
- Added check for corrupted LRC files
- Removed glitch which made the highlighted text not always appear on top of the screen
Ratings & Comments
http://www.viewlyrics.com/ is the big database lrc files ! i used it went i was using windows ! so i have been upload more lrc to this database ! i try to using Ubuntu and i want to use my lrc in Vietnamese ^^! sorry for my english thanks u in advaced ! Tha`nh
Hi, I read your code about auto detect file's encoder. And I can not understand module Lyrics.py line 319, what's the "self.Lyrics"? It's sound like a list. If I disabled this line, module return many codecs, of course including the correct one. Thanks. Your codes are great!
Hi, I read your code about auto detect file's encoder. And I can not understand module Lyrics.py line 319, what's the "self.Lyrics"? It's sound like a list. If I disabled this line, module return many codecs, of course including the correct one. Thanks. Your codes are great!
Hi Dedood, do you remember me? Lrceditor-Amarok's author. I write a scipt for Amarok like Amalyp, and I need a good lrc search web for non-Chinese songs, I can't find, do you have a good idea?
If you mean a website wher you can find lrc files. Here are some: http://lrcdb.org/ http://www.onlylyrics.net/ http://lrclyrics.50webs.com/ But for moste of those websites the database is of lrc files is not so big. Hope it helps you a little.
Hi! I downloaded the script via amarok's built-in script-downloader. The problem i have is, it doesn't recognize the files i attach it to, it simply says "no lyrics found" - even though the file is a valid .lrc and is in the same directory as the .mp3 and even has the same name as the file - i even selected the file in amalyp, it doesn't show up in the window. I am using version 0.2.1
Well, ok, after some trying around i made it work to each title i selected manually :-) Actually, the .lrc file was "broken", it had an empty first line... But how can i make the script automatically download a .lrc file from - for example - http://www.lyrdb.com/karaoke ? I got all my .lrc files from there, but it's quite annoying - will it be included in future releases? And is there maybe an easy tool to make .lrc files myself?
Hello, I'm planing to have automatic download of LRC files from avrious sites (thanks for the link by the way). I have also plans for an integrated LRC editor in Amalyp. In the mean time you can use Lrceditor-Amarok which you can find also here on KDE-apps. I modefied Lrceditor-Amarok a bit to make it work a bit easier and sent the modefied version to the author but I think he never updated it, so if you want the moddified version, just drop me an email at codemeteor@gmail.com PS.: the modfied version overwrites existing time stamps in stead of placing them before them.
amalyp is very cool! I was searching for it, like singit (project seemingly no longer maintained) or evillyrics. How can I configure it so it will automatically show lrc files (which have exactly the same name like music files)? Also it would be very good to have a autofetch routine, like evillyric, to look for MP3 metatags and search for lrc files and reformat wrong timestamps (on lrcdb.org there are [1:1.230] instead of [01:1.23]) and finally save the lrc files.
I'm glad you like it :) As a mater of fact, the next version is able to search for the lyrics in the same directory as the playing song or in a list of given directory's. You can already download RC1 on my website. But I think that by the end of the week I'll post the stable version. The new version is also a bit more flexible with lyrics which aren't in the "correct" format. You can find RC1 here: http://www.codemeteor.com/Amalyp/Amalyp.amarokscript.tar And I also wrote a users manual which you can find here: http://www.codemeteor.com/Amalyp/Amalyp%20Users%20Manual.pdf If you have problems with opening LRC files in a certain format, please send them to me and I'll see what I can do.
No I managed to reformat the timestamp to the correct format, as published by wikipedia, lrc. I was then able to display the lyrics. I believe the lrcdb.org is so open, everybody can submit lrc files whose timestamp are not in correct format. Then I would open Kwrite and use "replace" function to quick correct the timestamp format. So - as you wrote above - you are going to implement a timestamp correction function. By the way, I am the same who wrote about it on your homepage codemeteor forum.
Auwch, I'm so used my forum isnever used I almoste never check it... ...now I did.
kdebindings3-python installed and amalyp working :)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/estevam/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/Amalyp/Amalyp.py", line 41, in <module> os.popen(unicode("kdialog --sorry '" + _(u"The KDE bindings for Python are required to run Amalyp.") + "'", 'utf-8')) TypeError: decoding Unicode is not supported
Hello, I updated this error in my code, but this only will give you an error in a message box requesting for the KDE bindings. I think you will need to install kdebindings3-python which you normally can find in Yast. Let me know if you got it working.
When I try to execute this script, I get the error: The script 'Amalyp.mo' exited with error code: 126 DETAILS: ~/.kde3.5/share/apps/amarok/scripts/Amalyp/locals/ge/LC_MESSAGES/Amalyp.mo: ~/.kde3.5/share/apps/amarok/scripts/Amalyp/locals/ge/LC_MESSAGES/Amalyp.mo: cannot execute binary file What can I do?
Hello, I think you tried to execute the wrong script. Actually this is a problem I didn't notice but it seemed that Amarok adds every file in the tar file on which the permission is set to executable to it's script list. It seems that the translations files where set to executable. I changed this, and the real script should be found in the Lyrics folder in the Amarok script manager. Sorry for this problem.
I actually made something similar to this a while back, but sadly the amusement wore off and I never polished it up/submitted it... It didn't use .lrc files (I just hacked together a simple text-timing file layout thingy), but it had the ability to load the lyrics of the currently-playing song from the Amarok database, and then the user could add the timing information by pressing space at the correct times while listening to the song. Worked like a charm. ;-) Oh, and it could output the lyrics through Amor, if you were _really_ bored... :-) Aaaanyway, maybe I could hack together what I had and what you have now... would you be interested in the described functionality? Thanks for submitting this - I'm sure with a motivated maintainer this script will be great.
Thanks for the response :) Actually I'm planing the functionality to synchronise your lyrics in version 0.0.5 of Amalyp. But I am interested to have a look at the code you have. But I already have some code ready for this purpose (I'ts already in the source code of Amalyp but isn't used yet). I don't know if there are any people interested in the Amor functionality you sugest, but if they are I probably add it in later. It's a fact that at this moment I don't want to implement to much new features in the new versions of Amalyp, but every time some new functions and always make sure the code is stable. Anyway I really want to finish this project as quickly as possible so that i can dump the Windows program I used to synchronise my lyrics. I try to work as much as I can on Amalyp but I have also a website which is in need of an urgent remake.