Kopete Now Listening for Amarok
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This script will update your Kopete status to "Amarok is playing title -artist", and set your global photo to current album cover.
Thanks to:
* Bona
* Gustavo
* All comments submitter on my blog
Blog entry:
The "Kopete: command not found" keep on coming, again. This time I see it on amarok 1.4-svn. Seems to be related to the echo commands all over the script which doesn't have its output redirected to a file. I redirected all echo's output to ~/log.txt and the error mesage is gone. Yay! ^ ^
I finally found out what everyone had been talking about. There _was_ some error within the kopete-amarok-status.sh. Missing quotes to be exact. Thus, it would spew "Kopete comamnd not found" error.
I was using half this script and half the functionality of native Nowlistening plugin of kopete 0.12. Thus I've never realized that I have had error in my script. I guess this explain a lot why my kopete avatar has never changed . Shame on me!! Forgive my silliness.
Added option for set away message and set album cover as avatar
Added configuration dialog via Kommander includes: custom prefix status and "mark as away" option. Notice that you'll be needing Kommander for this (no biggie if you have installed Quanta as it's included)
fixed bug: script stopped when trying to excecute external script (kopete-amarok-status.sh)
fixed quote bug, affect cover image path containing space
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Hi there, I don't get the script working with Amarok and Kopete 0.50.1 on KDE 4.0.4. Kopete's status message just stays empty. Any idea?
add some conditions please, for one don't changing text which is set by user, or when auto away status is turned on, and dont determine changing status text only to away status.
hi, this is a great script, except, it puts a nasty log.txt file in my home directory and I have to keep deleting it, can you either correct the script or tell me how to fix, thanks.
I don't know if you noticed .... but there is already a (official) kopete plugin that does exactly that, only it works with Kscd, Noatun, Juk, Kaffeine, XMMS _and_ amarok =) (no offence, just wondering)
Hi everybody, I'm using Kubuntu 5.10, and I've installed this script using the Amarok Script Manager. When I run it I get this error in the output log: —————————————– ../scripts/kopete-now-listening/getcfg.sh: line 4: config.conf: File or directory doesn’t exist ../scripts/kopete-now-listening/getcfg.sh: line 4: config.conf: File or directory doesn’t exist /home/jant/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/kopete-now-listening/kopete-now-listening.sh: line 27: Amarok: command not found arguments do not match no such function /home/jant/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/kopete-now-listening/kopete-now-listening.sh: line 33: Kopete: command not found —————————————– I've checked the directories and scripts and they're are correctly located… any clue? anyone using Kubuntu 5.10? Thanks in advance! jant
Shouldn't be capitalized letters? (amarok, kopete. Just a guess.)
There were missing quotes that make the script interpreted incorrectly by *sh. Those Kopete and Amarok string came out from a line of dcop command such as: "dcop Kopete SetAway blah blah". It's now fixed in 0.3.1 :)
i get the following: amarok: BEGIN: void ScriptManager::slotReceivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int) amarok: [ScriptManager] [ERROR!] kopete-now-listening.sh: amarok: ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/kopete-now-listening/kopete-now-listening.sh: line 27: Kopete: command not found amarok: amarok: END__: void ScriptManager::slotReceivedStderr(KProcess*, char*, int) - Took 0.00021s i just get the image to kopete, but no text...
would be cool if one could set the font style when using the "automatically send in chat window" option :)
Does the script _have_ to change my status? Can't I be online and have the script work?
When I set my status by hand, to offline for example, this script will set me online again. Is there not a way to detect the kopete status before and re-use that?
Well, user's comment in my blog said it ahs something to do with the 0 option in the the setAway dcop call. This 0 force our satus to be online. This 0 also affect our away status. 0 means not away. So I geuss, if you could just check the mark as away option, you wouldn't be forced to be online. Lemme know if it works on you. Thx
kopete reports: "unable to store vCard for" each time the script changes the picture. Anyway, it's probably not becouse of the script, but becouse kopete doesn't fully suport the yahoo protocol (it's just my guess).
I've seen that message as well. But it's hard reproduce the message. I just made to pop it up once. But now it's gone. It has somthing to do with global identity, I guess.
The message pops up every time I change the photo, manualy or with your script. I don't remember this happening before I upgraded kopete to the last cvs version. Now i,m thinking about downgrading it. What version are you using?
I am using kopete 0.11 on KDE 3.5.0-1.7.fc4.kde
I just made an update. Somehow after i put a fix for the white space bug, the script will be stopped when trying to execute outer script. I found out that this line below what has make it stopped: source "blah blah" I change it to: `source "blah blah"` Notice the backtick. And now it works. I'm sorry for the silly bug :(
I'd like to test this script, but it does not work for me. I'm using the latest KDE and amarok. I'm not able to start the script?
all you have to do is install the script via the script manager. Open Tools -> Script Manager, click the Install Script button and locate the tar.gz file Run the script with the Run button
Sorry for my former dummy guide answer :D. To test wether the script has run, do this in console: [geek@toni kbfx-theme]$ cat /tmp/amarok-last-song KoRn - 10 Or A 2-Way [geek@toni kbfx-theme]$ cat /tmp/amarok-last-album See You On The Other Side [geek@toni kbfx-theme]$ ls -l /tmp/kopete-amarok-cover.png -rw-rw-r-- 1 geek geek 22559 Jan 8 09:31 /tmp/kopete-amarok-cover.png [geek@toni kbfx-theme]$
The script works, I've also tried your guide in the terminal and everything is OK, but when I check Kopete nothing has changed, I'm using a hotmail account and in my name nothing has changed.
This script don't change your nickname, it change your away status.
OK, these files exist for me. However, the picture doesn't seem to be visible for other MSN users. Are there any requirements on the Kopete version? Using 0.10.4 (KDE 3.4) at the moment.