Description: Sometimes it is useful to place a special playlist item, which causes amaroK to execute an internal command (e.g. stop playing) when reaches that entry. Sometimes it is useful to execute some external commands (e.g. shutdown) when playing reached a certain place (e.g. end of album).
Command Executor plugin wakes up when amaroK starts playing an .ogg file from a pre-defined directory (the "Command directory"), and executes the file with the same name ( without the .ogg suffix) in an another pre-defined directory (the "Script directory"). There are three .ogg files and scripts attached for stop playing, shutdown and hibernate the computer.
Note that configuring needs kdialog (available in a standard KDE).
Wouldn't it be neat to not tag files but have a (expandable) list of commands in a list that could just be dragged into the playlist and be executed like a song would be played?
could be:
shutdown(over kdm)
jump(no. of tracks)
shell command(command line)
changevolume(new volume or steps to increase)
restartplaylist (would replace toggle button)
This would be a really powerful approach to make amarok the most extensible and usable player in the world.
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Wouldn't it be neat to not tag files but have a (expandable) list of commands in a list that could just be dragged into the playlist and be executed like a song would be played? could be: pause(secs) shutdown(over kdm) jump(no. of tracks) shell command(command line) changevolume(new volume or steps to increase) exitamarok restartplaylist (would replace toggle button) ... This would be a really powerful approach to make amarok the most extensible and usable player in the world.
I've asked the developers to do that, but they refused to implement special playlist entries, so I made this.
All the commands you've mentioned can be done with this script, you just have to write the appropriate comments.
yes, but first all commands are external ones and second, i dont want to create dummy music files for this.