Swedish Internet Radio Stations

Amarok 1.x Scripts

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

Add the source-code for this project on opencode.net

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Make sure Amarok isn't running.
Open the archive file streambrowser_save.xml.tar.gz and unpack streambrowser_save.xml to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/

THIS WILL OVERWRITE AN EXISTING streambrowser_save.xml file!!!

Start Amarok. The content of streambrowser_save.xml should now appear under Playlists->Radio Streams->Svensk Radio

Please report problems and/or suggestions to ubuntu AT grusgrus DOT net

Changes to version
* Changed address for 106,7 Rockklassiker, 107,1 Vinyl, Mix Megapol, The Voice and Radio 107,5
* Added station Rocket 95,3
* Changed address for 106,7 Rockklassiker, 107,1 Vinyl, Mix Megapol and The Voice
* Changed address and name for Studio 107,5 to Radio 107,5
* Removed Svenska Favoriter and Ubuntu-se Radio
* Added Star FM
* Changed address for NRJ, Rix FM and Lugna favoriter
* Changed and added Bandit Sthlm och Bandit Gbg
0.1.5: Added Ubuntu-se Radio and Radioseven
0.1.4: Corrected name of SR Sapmi
0.1.3: Updated all SR-channels
0.1.2: Added station Radio Guld 106,6 Sundsvall

In Swedish:


Se till att Amarok inte körs.
Öppna arkivfilen streambrowser_save.xml.tar.gz och packa upp filen streambrowser_save.xml till $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/

DETTA SKRIVER ÖVER EVENTUELL BEFINTLIG streambrowser_save.xml-fil!!!

Starta Amarok. Innehållet i streambrowser_save.xml ska nu finnas under fliken Playlists->Radio Streams->Svensk Radio

Rapportera gärna problem och/eller förslag till ubuntu AT grusgrus DOT net

Ändringar till version
* Bytt adress för 106,7 Rockklassiker, 107,1 Vinyl, Mix Megapol, The Voice och Radio 107,5
* Lagt till kanalen Rocket 95,3
* Bytt adress för 106,7 Rockklassiker, 107,1 Vinyl, Mix Megapol och The Voice
* Bytt adress och namn på Studio 107,5 till Radio 107,5
* Tagit bort Svenska Favoriter och Ubuntu-se Radio
* Lagt till Star FM
* Bytt adress for NRJ, Rix FM och Lugna favoriter
* Bytt adress och lagt till Bandit Sthlm och Bandit Gbg
0.1.5: Lagt till Ubuntu-se Radio och Radioseven
0.1.4: Rättade namn på SR Sapmi
0.1.3: Uppdaterade alla SR-länkar
0.1.2: Ny station, Radio Guld 106,6 Sundsvall

Ratings & Comments



Does this script work in Amarok 2.x? Used it when i still had Amarok 1.4.x and it sure kicks butt but I'd like to use it now when I've upgraded and I'd rather post a comment than trying it out for myself ;P I suppose it's a good way to let other people know as well if i file my question here rather than solving it myself and then leave it unanswered. Thanks for an awesome script!!


Yes, the Amarok 2 script is here: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Radio+Sweden?content=93771 Itś really simple to install the channels now: http://henrikan.wordpress.com/2008/11/24/lagg-till-och-lyssna-pa-svenska-radiokanaler-i-amarok-2/


en enkel och smart liten xml-modifiering. 1-0 till dej!


tack att vi har nu möjligheten att lyssna svensk stationer med amarok


I got a problem with high CPU with some streams in Amarok, i these streams in Kaffeine but no such problem there so its something Amarok related. When one of these streams play in Amarok the interface lags and the analyzer vizualization lags too. I made a list of the streams that involve high CPU usage. There is no problem with the sound, only the interface. No other applications seem to be affected by this. Those streams that i didnt include here either work fine or i couldnt connect too. Reklamradio och annat Radio Guld 106,6 Sundsvall Radio Viking Rockklassiker 106,7 Studio 107,5 The Voice Vinyl 107,1 SR-kanaler SR Blekinge and others have high cpu usage but some don't, in the local stations dir. Din Gata P1 P2 P2 AlltidMusik P3 P3 Rockster P3 Star P3 Street P3 Svea SR Bubbel SR Klassiskt SR Metropol SR Minnen SR Sapmi SR Sisuradio SR Världen SR c


great! now: any ideas why NRG radio and Ubuntu-se are not working?


ubuntu-se radio doesn't exist any more, I will remove it from the list soon... NRG? Do you mean NRJ? In that case try to change mmsh:// to mms:// in the url.


thanks again!


But you might want to change Sampi to Sapmi.


Works like a charm! Thanks mate ;)


... it works great :-)


Watch out: It overwrites your current streambrowser_save.xml !!!!

0 Affiliates
version 0.1.8
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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