rate it!
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This script helps you rate your music:
At every track change, the script checks the rating of the last played track, and if it's one of preset rating values, a pop up appears to let you rate the track.
When the pop up shows , either click the item you choose or press a number on the keyboard to set the rating.
a number of settings can be changed in the script file.
Amarok 1.4
Ruby 1.8
Muhammed Helmi
in 0.7:
Now more things work like they should.
in 0.6:
The script doesn't touch your database directly anymore.
Updates reflect immediately on the playlist entries.
Rating can be set by pressing a number on the keyboard.
A timeout value can be set to hide the pop up automatically.
Now labels are used instead of numbers in the popup , which can be changed in the script via a constant.
Easily reachable constants in the script file to change settings.
Ratings & Comments
This is a nice script! Thanks! I also would like to use it with my remote control. Pressing a number on the remote would act as I would press a number of the keyboard. Do you have any idea how to solve this? Thanks in advance! Michael
i'm not really sure since i don't have such device, but did you try to add actions using irkick? if you like to, send me a message and we can look into this together. also check if you can find something helpful in these pages: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_LIRC#Using_LIRC_in_KDE http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/RemoteControl regards
Thank you, I found something. - Start Amarok - irckick settings - add - function of a running program - chose a key - select amarok -> default - on the right window you'll find a function called "set rating" - set value on: for 2 stars on 4 for 3 stars on 6 for 4 stars on 8 for 5 stars on 10 I skipped the other values, for me it's enough to have a rating from 2 to 5 stars. Greetz Michael
I must admit that I am COMPLETELY new to Linux in general... I just tried Ubuntu for the first time with the release of 7.04. I have been trying to use this Amarok script to rate my unrated music, but I can't seem to get it to pop up for *only* unrated songs. I have dug through the config in the script... and I thought this was right: # the pop up will show when one of these rates is assigned to the target track (0 for unrated tracks) #TARGET_RATES = [0 , 6 ] TARGET_RATES = [0] But regardless of what numbers I put into the lower TARGET_RATES box, the menu pops up either EVERY song, or for none of them. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated... Sincerely, An embarrassed noob named Matt.
Same here. There seems to be something completly wrong with the script. I noticed the following: 1.) A rateIt Box pops up even when i start playing the first song. Seems "trackChange" is triggered on the start of the first song as well 2.) The recieving of the current score seems to be defective. I've added a `kdialog --sorry "#{@current_rating}"` to see what is returned and it is always empty.
it used to work when my db was half broken back in the day. though i did notice the misbehaviour after an amarok/db upgrade. this problem should be fixed in 0.7. and sorry guys about the confusion >:).
Many thanks for the update... it now works wonderfully! I (and presumably many others) are very grateful! Thanks again, and kudos on this excellent and practical script!
Can you add an option to make the pop-up appear after a certain percentage of the song has already played? Sometimes I don't know at the beginning of the song what rating I want to give it. Cheers.
notice that the pop up shows at the beginning of track, but the rating you give is for the previous track, so effectivly the pop up shows at the end of the previous track. hope that helped. regarding the feature you requested, i was thinking about adding a global shortcut to request the popup , like WIN+R for example, but i assume that will require extra dependency (korundum instead of qtruby) , not sure if it would be worth it.
That will teach me not to just skim over descriptions. Sorry about that. :)
I'd just like to add a "me too". It looks nice, but I'd like to be able to rate at the start of the song. Thanks