Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Amarok Script for displaying meta tags on a LCD through LCDd (lcdproc).
You can choose between these meta-infos provided by amarok what is to be displayed on each row: "album", "artist", "bitrate", "comment", "currentTime", "genre", "nowPlaying", "title", "totalTime", "track", "type", "year". Furthermore you can choose a clock.
If you want somewhere something displayed like "artist - title" you could use the keyword "nowPlaying" or instead enter "artist, - ,title". It is important to use the "," as delimiter as it won't work otherwise. The keywords you can use are album (for album), artist (for artist), nowPlaying (for artist - title), title (for title) and totalTime (for the duration of the song if the amarok is playing, otherwise there will be "pause" if amarok is paused and left blank if amarok is stopped)
The configuration-file is a commented xml-file, which - for now - has to be edited by yourself without a GUI. You can find it in "~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/amarok-lcdproc/" and is called "amarok-lcdproc.xml".
The default will look like this:
"currentTime"/"totalTime" "clock"
Start your lcdproc-server, start the script, perhaps take a look at the configuration-file, be happy.
Amarok 1.4
Ruby 1.8
lcdproc 0.5.0
add a graphical configuration dialog
fixing some encoding-problems with some special characters
Sven Jordan (info@s-jordan.de) for the code for Artist/Title-slicing and the change concerning the '/' in the status view
Torben Kessler (sir_tyrann@gmx.de)
Version 0.5 / 07.11.2007
Configuration-file now in XML-format
Improved possibilities of configuring the output
Added support for more amarok-dcop-commands
removed temporarily graphical configuration-dialog
Version 0.3.1 / 28.05.2007
Minor change concerning the '/' between currenttime and totaltime
Version 0.3 / 27.05.2007
Detects if Title = (Artist) - (Title) and displays it as Artist = (Artist), Title = (Title)
Scrolling customizable
Version 0.2 / 08.10.2006
Rearranged code to make it more flexible and faster
Version 0.1.1 / 22.09.2006
Fixed a bug, where a dcop-process ran amok
Version 0.1 / 22.09.2006
Initial release
Ratings & Comments
you can please put one screenshot of this with ncurses?
Simply a very good piece of code. Add just some scrolling capacity for the small LCD displays and it will be simply the best LCD plugin for Amarok. Phil
Thank you, well in fact I'm not sure when I find time to go on here. But I will remember this request :) or at least will be reminded as soon as I do some enhancements here.
I like your work, it works fine here. Since I have a 20x2 screen it doesn't display the songstatus/time :( The title and artist display well tho. Is it possible to configure this script for a 2 lined display?
Thanks for your comment. Indeed, it should be possible to change it to a 20x2-display. Although I don't know which way you'd like to have it displayed. In the end I'd like to have it the way, that you can chose your display-size and the way it shall be displayed. But I have to admit, that I have a lack of time at this moment. But if you tell, which way you would like it to be displayed, maybe I can make a quick-and-dirty-version ;)