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This script changes Kopete global nickname with a customized name based on current song information, and optionally allows to use the cover as global photo.

The customized nickname is built with a variables set that contains the information about the current song. For example:

Pattern: "Now I'm listening %t by %a, track number %b in %m (%y)"
Nick: "Now I'm listening Yesterday by The Beatles, track number 13 in Help! (1965)"

The available variables set is:

%a -> Artist name
%t -> Title name
%n -> Now Playing (same as '%a - %t')
%m -> Album name
%g -> Genre
%y -> Year
%b -> Track number
%d -> Song duration
%f -> Station name

Note: This script changes only the nickname and (optionally) the photo, but doesn't change the away status or away message, if you want to change those items use "Kopete Now Listening for Amarok" or "kopete msn message notifier", also available in kde-apps.

Kommander -
ImageMagick -
Last changelog:

* Version 1.0 (09/05/2006)
- Initial Release
* Version 1.1 (10/05/2006)
- The images are now pre-resized (ImageMagick MUST be installed)
- Check for the right KDE version
* Version 1.2 (10/05/2006)
- The script wasn't finishing correctly, producing system overload.FIXED
* Version 1.2.1 (29/05/2006)
- Sometimes the cover wasn't showed.FIXED
* Version 1.3 (20/09/2006)
- Now supports Stations
- Added %f variable. It contains the Station name
* Version 1.3.1 (07/12/06)
- Default picture shown when cover is not available, thanks to Stéphane Pontier

Ratings & Comments



Hey, just wanted to say that this is a really great script. I love it! Kudos for the good work.


Thanks a lot for your comment :-)


Hi everybody, first of all thanks for this great script. My system: - Kubuntu 6.10 / KDE 3.5.5 - Kopete 0.12.3 - Amarok 1.4.3 I've installed the script correctly but when I make it run nothing changes in Kopete, and I get this message in the output log (right-clicking on the script name): --------- X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 Major opcode: 144 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 Major opcode: 144 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device ------------- Any clue? Many thanks in advance!


This script changes the global nickname. Do you have the global identity activated in kopete?


Opps newbie error! Now it works fine!!! Many thanks. I've solved anyway also the extrange message problem, if anyone is interested.


very good script :) but I have a problem : when amarok finish a song and play the next one, my system is lagging :(. It spend 2 or 3 seconds max. I also think it will be a good idea to choose between away message or alias for the message. Because kopete module doesn't know displaying the cover of the listening Cd. Thanks a lot.


Same problem here. I found it out that the lagging time depends on the size of the album cover. And when the script lags too much, the script will hang and/or consume a lot of resources. Perhaps amaroKopete should create a smaller image and store it for further use. So the script/kopete doesn't have toe resize the image. I don't know the code. Never had the time to look deep inside of it.


Firts of all, I really like this script. It just adds some more nice and usefull eye-candy. And some people are seriously jeaulous. :) But, amaroKopete hangs quite rapidly. Expecially with large pictures of the CD-covers.


Hi, Great Script, I really like it... The problem is, when I'm talking to anyone online, LiveMessenger users don't see my changed name and picture, only the ones using Kopete do. Is this because MSN doesn't accept the Global identity option in Kopete? I'm sure it happens with LiveMessenger, and someone told me it happens with MSN 7.5, I don't know about other versions. (maybe I'm doing something wrong?) Thanks!


Hey, erase what I said, I restarted Kopete and it worked! Windows Live Messenger users now see my changed name, and my picture as the album cover! Weird, huh? Thanks anyway


It happens to me too, but it isn't an amaroKopete issue, I think it's a compatibility problem between Kopete and MSN Messenger :-S


And excellent choice of songs! I like them all.


Kopete crashed as well as Amarok when I played a stream and I was using the AmaroKopete script... I was unable to replicate the crash, though. However, the player displays 'neighbour' when using the %n and listening to my neighbour station, and doesn't show a picture of the album's cover. Is there a way of accessing the cover image from the stream? I'm guessing this is possible since Amarok displays the track information and album image when there is a song change. I'm a total newbie at scripting with Amarok, but I'll try to find out how to access the image and track info. On the overall, this is a 'most excellent' script. Keep up the good work!


Version 1.3 solves these issues.


Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to fix this.


wish i never met anyone using this script in my contactlist, this stuff is like disease take for instance these MSN idiots..


I think it's more logic and rational to change the status message instead of nickname. Unhapilly, kopete dosen't aceept changing the status message without changing the state to away. I've opened a bug for it, ( but still no answer.


In fact this is not true, look at the last parameter of the setaway dcop call.


Man.. I'm dumb or what? I was trying using 0.. used "true/false" and it worked. Sorry and thanks for the info, will be very usefull!


now I just have to find a way to not changing the current status... :)


Yes, this is the problem. Which is the current status?


The album cover doesn't show. I look into kopete and the script sets the photo to: /home/manu/.kde3.5/share/apps/amarok/scripts-data/amarokopetepics/covpic.png but when I go into that directory, there is no such file. Any idea? Thanks.


In case, someone is having the same problem: just need to quote the variable "$cover" in $CONV -resize 96x96 "$cover" $PICDIR/covpic.png. Regards.


Thanks for your solution, I supposed that this it was the problem. Greetings


This script has nice options, I like it... but I often have the problem that it often consumes all 100% of my cpu, specially after closing amaroK: I have to kill it (with -9 signal, otherwise it doesn't stop...) How can I help you with this bug?

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version 1.3.1
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