With this script you can automatically change your avatar in kopete by the cover of the song your currently playing with Amarok.
Please note that only change your avatar, it does not display the song what you are playing. The module of kopete make this good.
Dependencies :
How to install :
First you must Activate the Global Identity in Kopete. Also then deactivate the exportation of avatar's user.
Then install the tar.gz with the Scripts Manager in Amarok.
So launch amarok and kopete and play song, your avatar is now the cover of your song.
Please note when you change too fast for next track, the avatar can be make long to appear.
For the moment on my computer there is a bug when I stop playing music, kopete doesn't wants to load my avatar and keep the last cover image of Amarok, please tell me if you viewed this bug.
The word of the end:
So for terminate don't hesitate to contact me for a bug or idea to ameliorate.
PS : Sorry for my poor English, I'm a lazy French student.
PS2 : You can't change default avatar easily, so please wait for next release

Ratings & Comments
When amarok ends the playlist, receive error from Yahoo Plugin - Kopete: The picture was not successfully uploaded Reason: 7471205 - The file was not transfered. Please try again later.
I don't use Yahoo, In future I try my script to use Yahoo and configure or reepair bug.
it does work on my yahoo account. Thanks for your tool!
After installed, script will reside in your $home directory under: ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/amarok_cover-to-kopete_avatar.sh looks like you need to manually modify the line: dcop kopete KopeteIface setGlobalPhoto to reflect the location of the avatar you want to use. Otherwise, Kopete will respond with a not found error. Would be nice to include in configure script function within amarok to change. I tried to activate that way, but didn't work. Since this is first release, author probably hasn't gotten around to it.
Hi just wait for next releases, for momment I haven't time to.