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CoverPrint creates CD cover images of the Amarok playlist, ready for printing.

The templates are inkscape files, which can be easily modified to your own taste.

amaroK 1.4
>= Python 2.3
>= xsltproc 1.1
>= inkscape 0.45 (older probably ok)
Last changelog:


Improved text fitting

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Hello, I created an amarok2 version of this plugin: Feel free to take my code under: You made a very cool plugin, this one is the reason why my mother was not switching to amarok2. Regards, Hefee


Cool, thanks for the kind words! Sorry I'm a bit late answering, but I just found out about your post by accident :) I just tried your amarok2 version of CoverPrint. It works very well! Funny to see the same old (boring) template after all these years :)


Will it be ported to amarok 2 ?


yes, I'm planning to, as soon as amarok can export the playlist as XML.. Last time I checked it didn't do that.


Very good! Your script is more important to me than amarok2 itslef as amarok14 is very good as well... I will stay on amarok14 on KDE4 as long as there is no better solution than your script (which is a high standard) :) Thank you very much! :)


Hi! It looks like ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/current.xspf could already be the format you need as it is already XML! An upgrade would be _very_ helpful! :o) Many thanks! - And have fun!


yeah now I remember what was the problem.. Amarok 2 doesn't keep that xspf file updated, and at the time I found no means to forcefully save the playlist to xspf just before calling the cover rendering. If it's possible now, notify me, and I'll see what I can do. Still a happy 1.4 user though, so don't hold your breath :)


Yes, me too :) - I would love if the script would work with amarok2 as well ... as it happens not to work in the moment anymore here... :( heatseeker, as far as I understood the ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/current.xspf file is already the actual playlist. As far as I understood you only have to pass it further... Thanks for the answer! :) - And all the best to you! Happy coding also ;o)


Hi, I like yuor script very much, but I have one question - is it possible for script to add a cover art from eg: amarock database?? It would be ideal than ;-)


Why do I have to enter the CD title and artist by myself instead of gathering the data from the mp3-tag that contains all the info? Moreover: Is it possible not to print the artist always behind the track title? TIA!


You can swap every occurrence of Artist and Title references in the render.xsl file to achieve that. Furthermore, the ability to open the generated cover in Inkscape for postprocessing is a great idea. As soon as I have a little spare time I'll look into it.


I really like this addon! Would it be possible, to add something like an "open in Inkscape" option so you can postprocess the file before printing?


i like this app, but it seems not to be working since i updated to amarok 1.4.4 :-( anyone has the same problem ?


is this still the case with the 1.4 version?


Still broken in 1.4.6, tracks will not be printed. title and artist are ok.


strange. can you send me your playlist (current.xml) just after (trying to) print?


I answered your (heatseeker's) mail from 18.12.06 at 20.12.06 and sent you a template for printing directly onto CDs. You promised to add the code, so one can print directly onto the CD with suitable printers. I am not sure, that you received my eMail and was not succesfull when trying to send a message to "sander (at)" Could you please tell me, if you got my .svg-file? 10erMandi


no I didn't get your mail. must have been catched by the spam filter. Please send again!


Hi! I use Kubuntu dapper drake. (Contains amarok 1.4.3) I installed all packages you mentioned in "dependencies" but CoverPrint failed with: execution of xsltproc failed unspecified error Then I added xsltproc, but error message is "error in one of the documents" Could you please update your list of dependencies and give me a hint, what is going wrong now? Regards 10erMandi P.S.: I would highly appreciate the funktion of printing directly on CDs.


I had the same problem but solved it by doing: sudo apt-get install xsltproc I use kubuntu edgy eft. Very nice script by the way!


Hi! I use Kubuntu dapper drake. (Contains amarok 1.4.3) I installed all packages you mentioned in "dependencies" but CoverPrint failed with: execution of xsltproc failed unspecified error Then I added xsltproc, but error message is "error in one of the documents" Could you please update your list of dependencies an give me a hint, what is going wrong now? Regards 10erMandi P.S.: I would highly appreciate the funktion of printing directly on CDs.


Hi! I use Kubuntu dapper drake. (Contains amarok 1.4.3) I installed all packages you mentioned in "dependencies" but CoverPrint failed with: execution of xsltproc failed unspecified error Then I added xsltproc, but error message is "error in one of the documents" Could you please update your list of dependencies an give me a hint, what is going wrong now? Regards 10erMandi


I cannot reproduce the error you mention, but it might be that the playlist contains special characters that xsltproc chokes on. mail me your playlist xml and I'll try to diagnose it. you idea for printing directly on CD is very nice, but unfortunately I cannot test that since I have no cd label printer. You could however draw up a SVG template (in inkscape) that matches your cd label printer, then I can modify that template to add in the dynamic parts.


Hi! I really like your script, it is very useful for me. However, I found an annoying bug: I have other scripts installed (MP3Fixer and lastamarok). Those scripts also show an entry in the context menu when right-clicking on a file. So I have the following entries in the context menu: CoverPrint -> Print CD Cover MP3Fixer -> FixIt! lastamarok -> Love Skip Ban Whatever entry I click, "Print CD Cover" ALWAYS gets activated. For example, I click the FixIt! entry, the MP3Fixer correctly fixes my MP3. However, the Cover Print dialog is also shown. Please fix your script so that it only gets activated when clicking the, and only the, "Print CD Cover" entry in the context menu. Other scripts behave correctly.


thanks for the report. should be fixed now.

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version 1.7
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