Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Bluez - http://www.bluez.org/
Tcl - http://tcl.sourceforge.net/
Pair your PC and phone, run rfcomm to bind the connection to a serial device, for example /dev/rfcomm0, run BlueamaroK and go to the accessories menu (Connectivity > Accessories).
Binding example:
# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:0E:07:3E:58:0D Khertz
# rfcomm bind rfcomm0 00:0E:07:3E:58:0D 1
Permanent binding:
Edit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf adding:
rfcomm0 {
bind yes;
device 00:0E:07:3E:58:0D;
channel 1;
comment "Khertz T610";
I recommend to use the KDE Bluetooth Framework (http://kde-bluetooth.sourceforge.net/). In the KDE Bluetooth Framework homepage you'll find good documentation for configuring bluetooth.
Models supported:
- T68
- T86i
- T300
- T310
- T610
- Z600
- T230/T238/T226
- T630
- T290
Pablo Chinea
* Version 0.1 (03/01/2006)
- Initial Release.
* Version 0.5 (12/01/2006)
- Feature: Playlist listed in phone display.
- Feature: Select track to play from the phone.
- Feature: Added bitrate and sample rate in Track Info.
- Bugfix: Phone return an error when back button is pressed. FIXED
- Some texts changed
- Added more using information in the README
* Version 0.51 (13/01/2006)
- Bugfix: Script fail writing debug output. FIXED
* Version 0.52 (05/10/2006) by N.Cat
- Feature: Reconnect automatically.
- Feature: Improved menu, now just one Play/Pause entry.
- Feature: Show message and set status info on song change.
- Feature: Mark active song in playlist.
- Bugfix: Parsing fails when KDE applications output on stderr. FIXED
- Bugfix: Configuration can be corrupted. FIXED
- Bugfix: Infinite read loop if connection is lost. FIXED
- Bugfix: Menu is no longer displayed after certain errors. FIXED
- Bugfix: Error on long playlist items. FIXED
- Bugfix: Playlist item displayed strangely. FIXED
* Version 0.53 (10/12/2006)
- Bugfix: Incorrect title showed on song change. FIXED
Ratings & Comments
Are there any future developments planned for this script? I would love to see this bluetooth remote working with my Sony Ericsson P1i
No, I have no future developments planned for this script. Now I have a SE W880i, and I use the "Remote Control" feature instead of any script. Anyway, I would need a SE P1i in order to program a script for it.
Oh I see... Well wouldn't a emulator provided in the SE SDK be enough?
mmm really, I haven't ever used this emulator. I suppose it would be enought.
Hello there, I really like this script and I'm using it a lot. Sadly since i updated to Debian/Sid it just exits with error code 255. Any suggestions on how to fix that? Greetings, Tho
OK, solved, installed a bunch of packages. I think some tcl-package was missing. Works fine again :-)
Hello, i'm a user of a SE M600i. Is it posible to make it work with this mobile? Connection every things work, but how can i controll now mi pc with my mobile? is it posible that the M600i doesn't have this menu or do i something wrong? Hope you can help me or hopefully you can update this script. I would be glade if it will works. Greatings gepi
No, it is not possible, because M60 use a different AT instrutions set. This program only works with the models listed in the description above. A direct portability is not possible, the AT instructions set are totally different.
Ok, i understand. I know such problems. I'm a programmer too. I can only regret this, but this will nothing help :-) At the moment it seams that no tool works with the M600i (to remotecontrole Amarok). Best wishes gepi
I just have to realize that there is a more serious problem, Sony Ericsson has not published (yet?) the specifications of the AT commands for M600i :-S Well, and if you are a programmer you can try to port the script when the specifications are released ;-) Greetings, Khertz
Hello there. I've a SonyEricsson Z610i and I'm unable to control amarok with it. I've the same problem that AceTheFace: 3 options under Remote Control section, none of them allows me to control amarok; and accesories in Connectivity menu is disabled. Any tip ?
I just want to say great work! I think this script is great, I always wanted to find out how to "talk" to the phone using those AT commands. Thanks!
No way to use it with k510i? It's ery intresting.
Sorry, the script is not compatible with K550i, because this phone use a different AT instrutions set. Blueamarok only supports T68, T68i, T300, T310, T610, Z600, T230/T238/T226, T630 and T290 models. A direct portability is not possible, the AT instructions set are totally different.
Hi! Has anybody tried to use the script with a Z520i? When I try to load the script, my phone tells me, that my computer tries to use the phone as a modem. I accepted, and wanted to watch if the Accessories menu offers any entries...well, there were none. Any hints? Is it that the Z520i is not compatible? Thanks for reading!
No, Z520i is not compatible. Please, read the script description (above this lines), you'll find the compatibility list. Greetings
This script rocks :-) .. I had no idea this was even possible. and btw, it also works on the Sony Ericsson Z1010, and from FreeBSD as well.
Hi! I've been experimenting some problems when I do a tar -zxvf to the downloaded file. May be an error? Thanks
I'm sorry, the file was compressed with bzip2 but I put the 'gz' extension instead of 'bz2'. Change the extension of your file or download it away. Anyway you MUSN'T decompress the file, load it directly from the amarok script manager. Even you don't have to change the extension, it will detect the file format automatically.
Helo (World) Because of not installing the kde manger at all, kdialog is not installed also. I tried to eliminate kdialog from this script, which was not so hard at all. If you want try that, so change your blueamarok like i did: instead of exec kdialog i did a 'hardcoded' setting. scripts stays here: ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/blueamarok/ set outfile [ open $CONFIGFILE w ] and set CANAL [ open $DISPOSITIVO r+ ] so no more need for kdialog.. here are the two passages: proc configurar {} { global CONFIGFILE global DISPOSITIVO if { ! [ info exists DISPOSITIVO ] || [ string equal "" $DISPOSITIVO ] } { set DISPOSITIVO "/dev/rfcomm0" } set outfile [ open $CONFIGFILE w ] puts $outfile $DISPOSITIVO close $outfile return 0 } and: proc Conectar {} { global DISPOSITIVO global CANAL set CANAL [ open $DISPOSITIVO r+ ] fconfigure $CANAL -buffering line fileevent $CANAL readable "Leer" } rest stays the same.. yours, netral
How can i pair my W800i and Linux SuSE 10.1 with Gnome?
When running the BlueAmarok-script I see on my W800i phone that the computer connects to the phone. But I don't get any new menus in Amarok. The log says: http://www.demaweb.dk/ba.txt Can anybody tell me, that the problem are? Maybe the script works and I don't know how to use the Script? I'm running Ubuntu.
Sorry, the script is not compatible with W800i, because this phone use a different AT instrutions set. Blueamarok only supports T68, T68i, T300, T310, T610, Z600, T230/T238/T226, T630 and T290 models.
It works great with Z800i (also known as V800) - at least 0.52 does, I got 0.51 to work only once back then. THANKS FOR MAKING AND SHARING THIS AWESOME SCRIPT!
Ive made a change to it, below, to show the current playing track, at the top of the menu. Ive also re-ordered the menu. I appologise for the nasty, hacky code, as I dont speak spanish, tcl or the 710's AT command set. #!/usr/bin/tclsh ####################################################################### # # BlueamaroK - It controls basic functions of the amaroK Player with a # SonyEriccson mobile telephone through a bluetooth connection. # # This script is released under GPL free license. # # Pablo Chinea # ver. 0.51 - 13/01/2006 # ####################################################################### # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # ####################################################################### global CONFIGFILE set CONFIGFILE "blueamarokrc" ################# # Configuration # ################# proc configurar {} { global CONFIGFILE global DISPOSITIVO set outfile [open $CONFIGFILE w] set DISPOSITIVO [ exec kdialog --inputbox "Serial device binded" "/dev/rfcomm0" --caption "BlueamaroK Configuration" ] puts $outfile $DISPOSITIVO close $outfile } ###################### # Load configuration # ###################### proc cargar {} { global CONFIGFILE global DISPOSITIVO if { [file exists $CONFIGFILE] } { set infile [open $CONFIGFILE r] set DISPOSITIVO [ gets $infile ] close $infile } else { configurar } } ########################## # Connect with the phone # ########################## proc Conectar {} { global DISPOSITIVO global CANAL if { [ catch { set CANAL [ open $DISPOSITIVO r+ ] } ] == 1 } { exec kdialog --sorry "Error! Can't open $DISPOSITIVO device" exit 1 } fconfigure $CANAL -buffering none fileevent $CANAL readable "Leer" } ####################################### # Capture the input send by the phone # ####################################### proc Leer {} { global CANAL gets $CANAL entrada puts stderr " $atcmd" puts $CANAL $atcmd } ####################################### # Capture the commands sent by amaroK # ####################################### proc iface {} { gets stdin entrada if { [ string match "configure" $entrada ] } { configurar } } ############################### # Execute an action in amarok # ############################### proc action { cmd } { exec dcop amarok player $cmd } ################################################### # Execute an action in amarok (with 2 parameters) # ################################################### proc action2 { cmd1 cmd2 } { exec dcop amarok player $cmd1 $cmd2 } ####################### # Parsing phone input # ####################### proc Parsear { cadena } { global EST global CONT if { [ string match "OK" $cadena ] } { global OK set OK 1 } if { [ string match "ERROR" $cadena ] } { set EST 1 atsend "AT*EAID=1,0,\"BLUEAMAROK ERROR!\\0APlease, send debug output to khertz\\80gmail.com\",0" vwait OK vwait CONT } switch $EST { 0 { if { [ string match "*EAAI" $cadena ] } { set EST 1 kmenu 1 } if { [ string match "*EAII: 0" $cadena ] } { set CONT 1 } } 1 { if { [ string match "*EAMI*" $cadena ] } { set val [ string range $cadena 7 end ] if { $val != 0 } { global MENU eval [ lindex $MENU [ expr $val * 2 - 1 ] ] kmenu $val } else { set EST 0 } set LASTVAL $val } if { [ string match "*EAII*" $cadena ] } { set CONT 1 } } 2 { if { [ string match "*EAII*" $cadena ] } { if { [ string match "*EAII: 15*" $cadena ] } { set val [ string range $cadena 10 end ] action2 setVolume $val } else { set CONT 1 set EST 1 } } } 3 { if { [ string match "*EAMI*" $cadena ] } { set val [ string range $cadena 7 end ] if { $val != 0 } { global lista global pag if { ($pag != 0) } { if { ($val == 1) } { showplaylist -1 0 } elseif { ($val == 7) } { showplaylist 1 0 } else { exec dcop amarok playlist playByIndex [ expr $pag * 5 + $val - 2 ] } } else { if { ( $val == 6 ) } { showplaylist 1 0 } else { exec dcop amarok playlist playByIndex [ expr $val - 1 ] } } set CONT 1 } set EST 1 set CONT 1 } } } } ####################### # Volume control menu # ####################### proc volume {} { global EST set EST 2 set vol [ expr [ exec dcop amarok player getVolume ] / 10 ] atsend "AT*EAID=4,2,\"Volume control\",10,$vol" vwait CONT } ######################## # Create the main menu # ######################## proc kmenu { sel } { global MENU set MENU { "Next" "action next" "Pause/Play" "action pause" "Volume" volume "Previous" "action prev" "Backward" "action2 seekRelative -5" "Forward" "action2 seekRelative 5" "Mute" "action mute" "Playlist" playlist "Track Info" Info "About" Acerca } ## "Play" "action play" ## "Stop" "action stop" set titulos "" foreach { elem cmd } $MENU { set titulos "$titulos,\"$elem\"" } set long [ expr [ llength $MENU ] / 2 ] set playing [ exec dcop amarok player title ] set playing [ regexp -inline {\m.{1,11}$} $playing ] #regsub -all {[^qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890]} $playing "" playing atsend "AT*EASM=\"$playing\",1,$sel,$long$titulos" vwait OK atsend "AT*EAST=\"$playing\"" atsend "AT*EAM=\"$playing\"" } ######################### # Generate the playlist # ######################### proc genlist { fich } { set infile [open $fich r] while { [ gets $infile cadena ] >= 0 } { if { [ string match "* titulo } if { [ string match "**" $cadena ] } { regexp "(.*)" [ string trim $cadena ] -> artista } if { [ string match "* 0 } { set elem "$artista - $titulo" } else { set elem $titulo } lappend lista "$elem" } } close $infile return $lista } #################### # Get the playlist # #################### proc playlist {} { global EST global lista if { [ exec dcop amarok playlist getTotalTrackCount ] == 0 } { atsend "AT*EAID=1,0,\"Playlist empty\",20" vwait OK vwait CONT } else { set EST 3 set lista [ genlist [ exec dcop amarok playlist saveCurrentPlaylist ] ] exec dcop amarok playlist shortStatusMessage "Default Playlist saved by BlueamaroK" set pos [ exec dcop amarok playlist getActiveIndex ] global pag if { $pos == -1 } { set pag 0 set offset 0 } else { set pag [ expr $pos / 5 ] set offset [ expr $pos % 5 + 1 ] } showplaylist 0 $offset } } ########################## # Show the playlist menu # ########################## proc showplaylist { inc offset } { global lista global pag set pag [ expr $pag + $inc ] set longit [ llength $lista ] set ini [ expr $pag * 5 ] if { [ expr ($longit - 1) / 5 ] == $pag } { set fin [ expr $longit - 1 ] } else { set fin [ expr $ini + 4 ] } set titulos "" set long [ expr $fin - $ini + 1 ] if { $offset } { set sel $offset } else { set sel 1 } if { $pag != 0 } { set titulos "$titulos,\"\"" set long [ expr $long + 1 ] set sel [ expr $sel + 1 ] } foreach elem [ lrange $lista $ini $fin ] { set titulos "$titulos,\"$elem\"" } if { [ expr ($longit - 1) / 5 ] != $pag } { set titulos "$titulos,\"\"" set long [ expr $long + 1 ] } set npag [ expr $pag + 1 ] set tpag [ expr ($longit - 1) / 5 + 1 ] atsend "AT*EASM=\"Playlist ($npag/$tpag)\",1,$sel,$long$titulos" vwait CONT } ########################## # Show track information # ########################## proc Info {} { set nombre [ exec dcop amarok player nowPlaying ] set duracion [ exec dcop amarok player totalTime ] set info "* $nombre\\0A* $duracion" set bitrate [ exec dcop amarok player bitrate ] set samplerate [ expr [ exec dcop amarok player sampleRate ] / 1000 ] set info "$info\\0A* $bitrate - $samplerate Hz" set fichero [ exec dcop amarok player path ] if { [ file readable $fichero ] == 1 } { set tipo [ string trim [ exec file $fichero | cut -d: -f2 ] ] set info "$info\\0A* $tipo" } atsend "AT*EAID=14,2,\"Track Info\",\"$info\"" vwait CONT } ####################### # Show "About" dialog # ####################### proc Acerca {} { set a_pro "* BlueamaroK ver. 0.51" set a_aut "* Pablo Chinea " set a_web "* http://www.khertz.net/" set a_lic "* This script is released under GPL free license." set acerca "$a_pro\\0A$a_aut\\0A$a_web\\0A$a_lic" atsend "AT*EAID=14,2,\"About\",\"$acerca\"" vwait CONT } ############################# # Initialize the connection # ############################# proc IniCon {} { atsend "ATZ" vwait OK atsend "ATE=0" vwait OK #title for menu atsend "AT*EAM=\"Amarok\"" vwait OK atsend "AT*EAID=1,0,\"Connected to Amarok\",20" vwait OK vwait CONT atsend "AT*EAST=\"Amarok\"" vwait OK } ################# # Main function # ################# proc main {} { global EST set EST 0 cargar Conectar IniCon fileevent stdin readable "iface" vwait BUCLEINF } main