that means I will no longer work on it (=> no updates)
you might take a look at 'UltimateLyrics' instead

A small script that downloads lyrics from various sites.
If lyrics are not found on site X it will try to find them on another lyrics site.
This script is currently in BETA phase - please report all bugs you may find!
I only tested it with amarok from SVN (latest revision). It may or may not work with amarok 2.0.*
Currently it supports the following lyrics sites:
If you want to see more sites supported tell me which site you want
(my time is limited so I cannot add 50 new site modules in a week

NOTE: I still need someone who could
help me with the settings dialog
I want it to be configurable which
lyrics site will be checked first - but
I need a simple dialog for that.
I were happy if someone could provide
working interface code (no logics
required - I'll handle that) - just
tell me when you need help there

Ratings & Comments
Use QtDesigner and QUiLoader object to load .ui file at run time for create GUI.
I find creative common artists ones at: (thank you).
thx this script is really better then the default one Thx Zeltak
would be awesome ;) thanks!
Hi, it may be me... but it seems that google refuses to redirect to LoudSongs I don't know why, but without google's "I'm feeling lucky" I cannot make my script find lyrics on that site that's an example link I get back from that 302found service (it works around some nasty google "bug" :)) -> as you can see, it does not directly redirect to darklight