Bulgarian Radio Stations Script
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A script for adding some Bulgarian Radio Stations, which have on line streams. Basically this is Cool Streams amarok script with changed links.
I took the idea from http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Radio+France?content=93500 , so thanks to madjar
Most of the links in the script are from http://www.predavatel.com/bg/live/
How to install:
1. Unpack the archive.
2. Copy files to:
In Amarok:
Tools --> Script Manager --> Install Script --> Browse to the location of the file and install it.
Tools --> Script Manager --> Get More Scripts --> find the script in the list and install it. Last changelog:
I took the idea from http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Radio+France?content=93500 , so thanks to madjar
Most of the links in the script are from http://www.predavatel.com/bg/live/
How to install:
1. Unpack the archive.
2. Copy files to:
In Amarok:
Tools --> Script Manager --> Install Script --> Browse to the location of the file and install it.
Tools --> Script Manager --> Get More Scripts --> find the script in the list and install it.
== 1.2 == Dec 15 2009
* categories based on geographic location
* removed some broken links
* a lot of new stations.
== 1.1 == Nov 22 2008
* update to latest Amarok API (rev.887517)
* added description (radio stations slogans or jingles)
* added categories
== 1.0 == Nov 19 2008
* Initial release
Ratings & Comments
hi, thanks for your work! Amarok.onConfigure() signal was removed from the APIs. If your script is using it, please remove it, or the script will not work with Amarok2.0 final. Thanks. :)
Thanks for the info. The script is up to date. Tested on amarok-1.94 (2beta4) from Fedora Rawhide. No problems.
No, there is no need to change the script. Even though the signal is never emitted, it will still be there to connect to in the final version, so the script will work just fine! :-)
Виждам, че вече има 20 download-a. Бих искал да попитам, хората които са го свалили, а и въобще тези, които видят това, дали да добавя и чалга радиостанциите. В момента, подбора е малко субективен, поне от тази гледна точка. Същото се отнася и за програмите на БНР, както и за локалните радиостанции по градове. City, Atlantic и The Voice ползват кой flash, кой нещо друго, за това на този етап също липсват. Въобще отворен съм за предложения.
Добавени са почти всички радиостанции от лист-а тук - http://www.predavatel.com/bg/live/ Пропуснал съм единствено чалга радиостанциите, тези с неработещи линкове (които са не малко), както и последната група от религиозни радиостанции. Подготвил съм и файл без изключения. При интерес мога да го кача и него.
Installing this script is actually even simpler. Just go to the script manager and select "Get More Scripts". Find the script in the list and click install! No need to manually download the package! Good work btw! I love seeing all these regional scripts appear! :-)
Thanks! Same for you :)