Radio Sweden
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.4. Enbart kosmetiska skillnader.
1. Lagt till en specifik ikon (istället för den generiska) i "Media Sources:Internet".
2. Ditto för spellistan. Den ikonen används också i "Now playing" widgets så som "Now rocking". Enbart provat i spellistan samt "Now rocking",
men borde funka i andra också.
3. Ändrar albumnamn samt artistnamn till kanalnamn (ex. Radio Vinyl) respektive Radioström. Detta för att namn skall visas konsekvent oavsett
vilken kanal som spelas. Syns nog bättre i screenshotsen än i den här förklaringen.
0.3. URL:s ändrade för samtliga SR-kanaler plus en del av de andra kanalerna. SR Bubbel borttagen då kanalen bytt namn till Knatteapan.
Rocket 95,3 samt SR Extra 1 - 11 tillagda
0.2. Uppdaterad till att motsvara Swedish Internet Radio Stations 0.1.7.
0.1. Första versionen
Ratings & Comments
Nice work but you are missing Radioapans knattekanal STREAM: mms://wm-live.sr.se/SR-Knattekanal-High Homepage: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/default.aspx?programid=2755 This is a channel for childs so they are on the air between 06:00 -20:00 /Cosw
My apologies to you as well, for missing the comment. Now, however, that channel should be available.
Hi, if you look at this site you can see that some stations is missing in your script can you add them? http://www.sr.se/sida/artikel.aspx?ProgramId=2321&Artikel=787720
Sorry about this taking SOOOO long. I had missed your comment and hadn't noticed some channels were missing. Should be rectified now.
I was going to do the script myself, good thing I checked first! :) Could you please tell me if you change any station url:s, I think it will help to keep the swedish radio stations current and working for the different players.
It's so easy to install with the script manager. See pictures here: http://henrikan.wordpress.com/2008/11/24/lagg-till-och-lyssna-pa-svenska-radiokanaler-i-amarok-2/
It's so easy to install with the script manager. See pictures here: http://henrikan.wordpress.com/2008/11/24/lagg-till-och-lyssna-pa-svenska-radiokanaler-i-amarok-2/
It's so easy to install with the script manager. See pictures here: http://henrikan.wordpress.com/2008/11/24/lagg-till-och-lyssna-pa-svenska-radiokanaler-i-amarok-2/
You should rename the .tar.gz file to something.amarokscript.tar.gz. As it is now the scriptmanager does not list the script while browsing the folder. Thanks for the scrip. MVH
I will. However, since the radio stations that I like are already present it is unlikely that I will add anything not present in your script. At the most I will change the url if it changes. Which, considering that my part in making this work is basically only cut-and-paste, seems natural... As far as keeping the stations current that is. I am looking into how to divide the stations into categories and/or make the sorting more "natural" (that is, making the Swedish characters to NOT be considered an "odd spelling" of A and O).
Okey, thats all good! BTW, how do I remove comments? I sort of had an accident with the back and reload button... :/