Terra Lyrics
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A simple functional script that fetches lyrics from the site http://letras.terra.com.br that I wrote for personal use and decided to share.
The site has a very large database on Brazilian and international songs.
Feel free to make suggestions and comments! Last changelog:
The site has a very large database on Brazilian and international songs.
Feel free to make suggestions and comments!
the script is kind of working again, it fetches the music but suggestions aren't working
just changed the way the lyrics tag is handled. Now the script fetches the site, if it doesn't find an exact match, the lyrics in the lyrics tag (if filled) will be the first suggestion.
Ratings & Comments
Oi, Breno! Parabéns pelo script. Muito bom mesmo! I got a problem with the special characters. Our latin accented characters appears as a "?", but only in the content. Like: "Composição: Indispon?vel". It's odd that the some lyrics appears with the proper accented chars, but another ones don't. Kubuntu Intrepid backport packages; KDE 4.2.1; Amarok 2.0.1; Terra Lyrics 1.0.
Hi, I installed your script in amarok 2.0.1 but I can't get it to work. I disabled the default lyrics plugin, Lyricwiki, and enabled yours but Amarok seems to still br trying to fetch trought the first one.
Ok, it worked in the next song. Do you know how to resize the lyrics box in Amarok's plasma container? It's too little.
That happened because if the track has the lyrics tag filled out already the script just show the lyrics in there, without fetching the site. I've been thinking if that is a good behaviour or not and didn't get to any conclusion. :) I don't know how to resize that panel, if I find out I'll post here