Rating Statistics

Amarok 2.x Scripts

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Displays a window with information such as favourite tracks, albums, artists etc.

It is based on a weight factor for each track/album/artist, which can be based on rating, score, length and playcount. Each weight factor can be adjusted through a slider.

You can also search for favourites by a specific artist or genre etc. Double-clicking on an item adds it to your playlist.
Last changelog:

2013-04-18 Daniel Schemala
* Version 2.1.0
* Added sorting alphabetically
* Translation does not disappear anymore when filtering
* Inconsiderable bug fixing
* Some source code clearance

2011-09-08 Daniel Schemala
* Version 2.0.1
* The statistics view can now be filtered too
* Fixed small issue when double-clicking in graph

2011-07-27 Daniel Schemala
* Version 2.0.0
* Separated grouping combobox from ordering combobox
* Added more grouping as well as ordering entities
* The filter boxes are merged into one big line edit
* Filtering by artist, album, album artist, genre, label, year and year range is now possible in every view
* Locale file is now selected automatically
* Overall GUI clearance
* Bug fixes, e.g. in finding the album image, computation of the weighting bar and some of the statistics, displaying of album image and graphs, adding songs to the playlist and some other small issues

For more changes information, check the changelog in your script's folder.

Ratings & Comments



When I start Amarok I always get a notification that the script "Rating Staticstics" uses obsolete API calls for scripts and that one should contact the author to update the script before the next new version of Amarok. It really would be great if the script will continue to work with Amarok, I love the statistics :).


(I'm not the original author, but the last one who committed to this project) Sorry, the machine where I run Amarok is old and without internet connection, so I can't update Amarok. Patches are welcome :) https://github.com/EinfachToll/Rating-Statistics


Hi all, I am adding support for internationalization in the next release (using Qt's system - Qt Linguist). At the moment, the next version will have czech and greek translations. If you would like to provide a translation for your language (or klingon or latin), please contact me by mail or private message.


Showing this thing a bit of much needed love :( I only recently (1-2 months ago) noticed that double-clicking wouldn't work. It used to work for me, regardless of the bug report, until recently, so sorry for taking so long to fix this. I also updated the configuration mechanism to use amarok's scripting API instead of the database. Again, sorry for being lame and so out-of-date :) Additionally, since a few months now, filtering wasn't case-insensitive for me; for example "judas" wouldn't return any result of Judas Priest, but "Judas" worked. Did anyone else get this or was it just me?


Hi, this script is good, but please do not store config in database. This pollutes database and is left even when you uninstall the script. Use Amarok script API to read&store config, it's as easy as Amarok.Script.writeConfig("configName", String("defaultValue"));


Hey, would be nice if the content of the rating statistics would scale with its window, at least the graphics “score over time” and “rating over time”. Since I have many classical songs, this becomes a bit muddled ;)


Hi, when using query type "Favourite Tracks/Albums/Artists/Genres" I can reproducible crash Amarok 2.2 as well as 2.3: Thread 1 (Thread 0xb22b8720 (LWP 847)): [KCrash Handler] #6 0xb78a9424 in __kernel_vsyscall () #7 0xb5c5c6e0 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6 #8 0xb5c5df15 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6 #9 0xb69a55d1 in qt_message_output (msgType=QtFatalMsg, buf=0xc774f40 "ASSERT: \"width > 0.0\" in file painting/qrasterizer.cpp, line 710") at global/qglobal.cpp:2250 #10 0xb69a57a9 in qt_message (msgType=QtFatalMsg, msg=0xb6b18968 "ASSERT: \"%s\" in file %s, line %d", ap=0xbf8ff514 "\203@s\266$@s\266\306\002") at global/qglobal.cpp:2296 #11 0xb69a5800 in qFatal (msg=0xb6b18968 "ASSERT: \"%s\" in file %s, line %d") at global/qglobal.cpp:2479 #12 0xb69a5a24 in qt_assert (assertion=0xb6734083 "width > 0.0", file=0xb6734024 "painting/qrasterizer.cpp", line=710) at global/qglobal.cpp:2013 #13 0xb6182894 in QRasterizer::rasterizeLine (this=0xc25f990, a=..., b=..., width=nan(0x8000000000000), squareCap=false) at painting/qrasterizer.cpp:710 #14 0xb61c6f1b in QRasterPaintEngine::drawRects (this=0xbecbc70, rects=0xc29815c, rectCount=1) at painting/qpaintengine_raster.cpp:1611 #15 0xb6141e9b in QPainter::drawRects (this=0xbf901074, rects=0xc29815c, rectCount=1) at painting/qpainter.cpp:3464 It seems as if the script tries to paint something, but with a width of 0. Greetings, Oliver


Length is calculated wrong on Amarok 2.2. My average length in the overview is 78h 56m 31s, which is a bit high ;-) Favourites the same, all calculated wrong. m0nk


No answer 'til now. So I assume this script isn't developed anymore. Too bad m0nk


I am currently serving in my country's army now for about 4 more months, so pretty much... yeah. No development for now. In any case, I've seen this thing reported a few times. I do not believe this is a problem with the script - rather with the lengths as they are stored inside Amarok's database or something of this sort. I cannot reproduce this issue myself, but I had a few similar errors while I was developing, and they had to do with erroneous entries of the database (tracks with random 8-digit lengths etc), but I had cleaned those up manually in my collection and it never came up again. I might add a little database verification routine sometime to see if this is it; a single entry with a track having a duration of a few years could screw up all statistics I guess. Otherwise, I don't know what else might be causing this behavior. Works for me :)


I#ve read somewhere, that track length now is stored in millisec instead of sec. Perhaps this causes these durations. In my case all statistics are completely messed up. Tracks with a duration of multiple days are not seldom :-( Regards m0nk


You're right. Guess I had fell too much behind with amarok's progress... Anyway, here's a quick 5 minute fix. I also changed the length display to match amarok's (e.g. 5:04 instead of 5m4s)


Thank you for this quick fix. I had this in mind for a long time and also staked around a bit, but finally forgot it. Regards m0nk


Adding tracks, albums and artists with double clicking doesn't work on amarok 2.2-rc1.


I assume you meant amarok2-beta1? I just checked the matter on amarok2-beta2 (2.1.85, compiled from source on Arch)(I was using a slightly outdated SVN version before), and it works as before for me.


And by amarok2-beta2 I mean amarok2.2-beta2 :)


Hi. I mean latest version from git. In changelog it marked as "VERSION 2.2-beta1". :) Now I reproduce this issue on version with latest commit: 8f5a09e66cff2c6d00ae174d05cae6a9c4784d08 Reproduce steps: 1. Compile latest amarok version. 2. Launch rating statistic script (I try versions 1.2.2, 1.2.0). 3. Select Favourite tracks. 4. Tracks appears. 5. Try to double click on some of them. In my case - nothing happened, tracks doesn't added to playlist. If you need any debug information, please ask. Thanks for script!


Sorry, still can't reproduce this on 2.2-release. Works as before for me. If you're still getting this behaviour, try launching amarok from a console, double-click on an item and copy-paste the output from the script and mail it to me.


hi ! (sorry for my bad english) it's possible to add some other simples stats, like : - artistes number - albums number - tracks number ? thanks


Take a look. If you have any ideas for more stats, let me know. Note that "rated albums" and "rated artists" take into consideration the minimum tracks per album option.


Well I've been quite busy with work lately, again, so I haven't been able to spend time with this, even though some changes I have in mind won't take that long. You can now double-click on an entry to queue it to your playlist. I was thinking of maybe using checkboxes or something to select items then an "Add to Playlist" button as you said, but I decided against it as double-click seems sufficient and it does not make the display too complicated. I hope it's intuitive enough. I am aware of a few bugs, including the too-long-string one. The most serious bug currently has to be that if you submit a query while another one is still rendering (for example, by being very fast, or more likely you use the mousewheel to scroll through query types with a sufficiently large amount of results to display) then _Amarok_ crashes (not just the script). And probably memory management sucks. I'll get to fix them some time in the future. (That, and fix exclude albums again. I just want to make the SQL query fast, so i'm lazy at the moment :D) As for the scripted plasmoid thingy, well I am not too sure. I use the script periodically, and I personally would prefer it on its own window. I think i don't use it so often that I would want it on my widgets list to hog down memory and stuff for no good reason. That said, I'll give it a go when I have more free time available. Seems fun to try to implement this, in any case.


very nice indeed, 0.9.9 is very beautiful and useful but it as a bug so far, if the name of the album or song is too big, the font exceeds the size of the box, besides that its a charm to behold :) now the wishes. 1 - better integration with amarok (like others said, maybe a scripted plasmoid). 2 - ability to use the query to create playlists (for ex, show me all my sting favourite tracks and click on a "add" button to add those tracks to the playlist. best regards and keep up the good work, first fan ;)


Its very cool to see my favorites music. A better integration in Amarok would be very nice. Perhaps as a widget in the middle panel?


It's nice, even though it doesn't let you add songs to the playlist yet. I don't know much about Amarok 2 or developing, but I would like it if it ran as an applet in the middle of the Amarok window (are they plasmoids?) instead of a separate window.


Those are plasmoids, yes.

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version 2.1.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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