Description: This amarok script provides streams for some German Radio Stations. The list should be almost complete (838 stations!), however if you still miss a station, feel free to send me a message, so i can update the script.
If some streams are broken or do not work please tell me so i can update the stream urls.
If you vote this script as bad, please leave a comment and tell me what is bad about the script. Thanks.Last changelog:
18.10 [12.10.2018]
* update some Bavarian stations * remove all station that are no longer working * added "Radio Okerwelle" (thanks to boris64)
I did not download this script, because I could not find the station of the erf media company:
ERF Plus:
ERF pop
There has been a swiss channel as third erf radio station, but it seems to be offline now (well, I'm not interested in that, so don't trust on me in that matter)
PS: Do you speak German?
sorry for the late response. The last weeks were quite busy.
I can add the two streams in the next release. I hope, I have same time this weekend to make the changes. Do you have the link to the ERF homepage? I can also include an icon (32x32 pixel) if you have a download link.
I speak German but let's keep the discussion in English since this is an international plattform.
Thank you, I also have to apologize for my late reaction.
The general ERF logo (icon) is on the home page
, the url is
, but it has the wrong size, either find a 32x32 version somewhere on the pages ;) , contact ERF at
or resize this icon by yourself.
On the pages of the streams ...
... I can see one-colored logos of the streams, but In could not find an url to one of them, I don't understand the trick which they are shown with.
I hope this helps you somehow, but if you don't put an icon to the streams on your list, this is ok for me.
Please add "Radio Okerwelle 104.6" (nice radio from Braunschweig, Germany)
(alternate url:
Thank you in advance!
@kickmetoandy: Are you still maintaining this script? I would be willing to take over but I do not want to steal your work.
Best regards,
unfortunately i do not have time anymore. If you want to take over the maintainance, feel free. do you want my build scripts that i use to build the package ?
I guess the streaming urls are outdated at the moment pretty much....
Is there anything else I need besides your archive:
yes, i have some scripts to generate the js file from a csv file (easier to maintain than to work directly in the js file). there is also a script that i use to build the release. just send me an e-mail ( and i will send you the sources i used so far.
Hello, I wanted to use your script (V 0.4.0) with Amarok-Version: 2.8.0 again, but there are now a whole bunch of errormessages, when Amarok is started.
Is there a logfile, that can be analysed, what stations aren't on air anymore?
Could i contribute anyhow to your project?
Thanks in advance
Hi there, the url has changed again for egofm.
The new one:
Thank you for your updates!
my favourite local radio is missing, so I deliver the data here:
Freies Radio Wiesental,,,
There are some more streams for different formats and qualities but I guess they are not needed here.
Thank you and keep up the good work!
The URLs for FluxFM have changed to:
I would thank you if you could update them within your next update :)
I'm not sure if it's a "bug" or if it's related to my distribution, but this script doesn't work anymore since Amarok update from 2.7 to 2.8.
Can anybody confirm this?
Kind regards!
The streams for BB Radio have changed to:
ogg: ''
mp3: ''
mp3 (mobile): ''
Please update :)
Ratings & Comments
I did not download this script, because I could not find the station of the erf media company: ERF Plus: ERF pop There has been a swiss channel as third erf radio station, but it seems to be offline now (well, I'm not interested in that, so don't trust on me in that matter) PS: Do you speak German?
Hi, sorry for the late response. The last weeks were quite busy. I can add the two streams in the next release. I hope, I have same time this weekend to make the changes. Do you have the link to the ERF homepage? I can also include an icon (32x32 pixel) if you have a download link. I speak German but let's keep the discussion in English since this is an international plattform.
I updated the script. Your streams are now included in the list.
Thank you, I also have to apologize for my late reaction. The general ERF logo (icon) is on the home page , the url is , but it has the wrong size, either find a 32x32 version somewhere on the pages ;) , contact ERF at or resize this icon by yourself. On the pages of the streams ... ... I can see one-colored logos of the streams, but In could not find an url to one of them, I don't understand the trick which they are shown with. I hope this helps you somehow, but if you don't put an icon to the streams on your list, this is ok for me.
Please add "Radio Okerwelle 104.6" (nice radio from Braunschweig, Germany) -> (alternate url: Thank you in advance!
Thank you for the link. I will add it in the next release.
I finally had the time to publish the new station list.
Hi, @kickmetoandy: Are you still maintaining this script? I would be willing to take over but I do not want to steal your work. Best regards, Sebastian
Hi, unfortunately i do not have time anymore. If you want to take over the maintainance, feel free. do you want my build scripts that i use to build the package ? I guess the streaming urls are outdated at the moment pretty much.... Cheers, Andy
Is there anything else I need besides your archive:
yes, i have some scripts to generate the js file from a csv file (easier to maintain than to work directly in the js file). there is also a script that i use to build the release. just send me an e-mail ( and i will send you the sources i used so far. Cheers, Andy
Hello, I wanted to use your script (V 0.4.0) with Amarok-Version: 2.8.0 again, but there are now a whole bunch of errormessages, when Amarok is started. Is there a logfile, that can be analysed, what stations aren't on air anymore? Could i contribute anyhow to your project? Thanks in advance Ewald
Lately Amarok keeps trying to connect to but without success (although the website as such still exists).
Hi there, the url has changed again for egofm. The new one: Thank you for your updates!
Hi, my favourite local radio is missing, so I deliver the data here: Freies Radio Wiesental,,, There are some more streams for different formats and qualities but I guess they are not needed here. Thank you and keep up the good work!
hi, i have released a new version that contains your requested stream. cheers, andy
Hello, The URLs for FluxFM have changed to: BERLIN: BREMEN: WOLDWIDE: I would thank you if you could update them within your next update :)
Hi, FluxFM will be fixed with the next version. cheers, andy
Hello, I'm not sure if it's a "bug" or if it's related to my distribution, but this script doesn't work anymore since Amarok update from 2.7 to 2.8. Can anybody confirm this? Kind regards!
The script still works for me with Amarok 2.8. I'm using also the daily git version without problems :)
gstreamer0.10-soup was not installed by default in my distro (Mageia 4 beta2). After installing the package, Amarok plays radio-streams again...
What do I have to do if i want to add/delete some stadions on my own? Is it enough to edit the sender.txt?
no. sender.txt is used to generate sender.js. If you want to remove a station, you have to remove it from sender.js. cheers, andy
The streams for BB Radio have changed to: ogg: '' mp3: '' mp3 (mobile): '' Please update :)
just released a new version which should fix the BB Radio stream.