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Ratings & Comments
Great theme, I love it. I just have one question, while using XChat-2 (2.0.5), the input boxes for chat and topic are almost impossible to see with white text and light-grey background. Is there a way to change this in the gtkrc file, or is this a problem with X-Chat itself? Thanks for the great theme!
I checked the issue. I think this is problem with X-Chat itself because it's text area doesn't follow the gtkrc's settings. I have no idea how to fix this issue now, but I will keep trying to solve it. If there are anyone knows solution about this issue, please let me know.
To fix this in X-Chat, you'll have to change the foreground color to black, then go to "Input Box" and uncheck the "Text box uses fonts and colors", and finally change the forground color back to white. Awful lot of work, but it will make it so that you can see what you're typing.
I have just tried it. And it is great !! Do you plan to work with CraidD (Geramik) to make it with QT pixmap ?
I am glad to hear you like it! I thought Geramik or Qtpixmap enables gtk+ to use kde themes. So what I have to do is making kde native theme, I think. Or maybe I misunderstood what you wrote. If so, please let me know what you want again.
with tools from CraigD, when you choose a KDE theme style, it applies the same colours and fonts parameters for GTK widget. So it is very usefull. And, I was wondering if you could continue you projet : - better buttons look (GTK 1 and 2) for they are not well rounded ; - more space for text strings in buttons... http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?file=7512-1.png Thanks
the "how to install" link. It clearly tells you that this very cool theme can easily be installed in KDE.
I'm sorry, i can't find the import button... I remember there was a program to do this in kde2, but i can't find it in kde3
If there isn't a matching KDE theme..why again is this posted on a KDE site. I'm not try to start a flamewar but I've seen the theme on Freshmeat and Theme Depot which is cool since their multi theme sites. But since this can't be really used for KDE..what's the deal again?
You could use it with mosfet liquid for example, also there are some Aqua winDec, so this theme is in the right place
This is in the right place. A thank you to the author for taking the time to post it here.
agreed... he didn't even post a screenshot of it in KDE, but rather GNOME :(
well... I thought there may be this kind of arguments, but I just wanted many people to use it. Sorry for GNOME shot anyway. I will change it soon. I am very glad to hear that at least someone likes it. I am planning to make KDE version of this theme, but I hope someone will do the better job before I do it.
A good Mac OS X KDE theme does exist. It is called Baghira and is a modified version of Mosfet's. It can be accessed at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=8692.
A good Mac OS X KDE theme does exist. It is called Baghira and is a modified version of Mosfet's. It can be accessed at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=8692.