Description: Everyone wants to have a consistent-looking desktop. With the great Plastik theme now available, we only had to have a corresponding GTK theme.
So this is a try on this, made on the 1st night of the new 2004 year (think of having nothing better to do...). All feedback is very appreciated.
Thanks go to the authors of Plastik and Geramik, which I used as a basis for this theme.
Installation: Untarbzip to your ~/.themes/ and do the magic in gnome control center. If it doesn't help, and if you use SuSE, put it into /opt/gnome/share/themes/ (remember to fix the paths in gtkrc`s).Last changelog:
0.1 -- Initial release
Used Geramik as a basis, still some traces of it left. Still some glitches with GTK1, I know of them and will get rid of them ASAP.
Hi. Please forgive me my english in advance, this is not my mother tongue.
I tried this theme, everything fine, except one thing: fonts.
Unfortunately the gtk theme fonts always the same small fonts, anything i set up in kcontrol or qt config. I installed geramik, qtpixmaps. I've wrote to .gtkrc-2.0 and .gtkrc the following line: gtk-font-name = "Nimbus Sans L 11" but it didn't help. What should I do?
Hi, i'm kind a newbie and a tried to install this nice theme but could'nt do it ... I wrote this lines to my "~/.gtkrc-2.0":
gtk-font-name="Luxi Sans 8"
include "/usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"
Where "/usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" is the place where i unzipped Plastig. Pleaseee, someone help me! :)
Looks quite good - for 0.1. A few niggles...
1. Push button mouse over re-colours all buttons blue! Not quite how Plastik does this. To acheive something similar, for the mouse-over you need to pixmaps. The first one willbe like the regular button, and re-coloured lightly. The second one would be for the highlight lines that Plastik draws above and below. Basically, the 2nd would be the same size as the button pixmaps, only contain these lines, and the middle should be all alpha-channel (i.e. 100% transparent). In the gtkrc file, you then list the 2nd as the "overlay" file. Have a look at how ThinGeramik (in the Geramik archive) mimics ThinKeramik's active tab.
2. This "mos-over" stuff will also affect comb-boxes, radios, and check buttons.
3. You need to set the x_offset for pushbuttons. In Keramik/Geramik the y offset is 1 (so it goes down), and x is 0. In Plastik they are both 1 - so the text moves to the left/right.
..thats all for now.
i tried your gtk theme installing QTPixmap engine and when i change my .gtk-2.0 i can't see many of the icons like the scrollbars. Why could be that? I'm using mdk 9.2
Thanks, and good work! it's a great idea!
In Fedora Core I select the theme in the control center an it crashes. I'm able to use the theme in gnome (but seems that there are some problems) but in kde I don't see any changes on the gtk theme. Anyone has the same problem?
This theme is great and I would like use it :(
dont get this working on suse 8.2, i can choose the plastig theme in gnome 1 and 2 controll center but it shows always the default theme? copied it the /opt/gnome/share/themes and also /home/user/.themes/, then i changed the first line with the path in both gtkrc files.. anything else i must do?
It's strange, even though I tested it only on SuSE 9.0 yet... Are you trying to use it with GTK applications in KDE or in GNOME?
If anything else fails, and your GTK applications running under KDE still use Geramik, you might try physically replacing your Geramik with Plastig, if you don't really care for the former.
On SuSE, at least 9.0, it works best to modify your /opt/kde3/bin/startkde script. There, replace all references to Geramik with the theme you want (but be careful if the theme is just for gtk1 or just gtk2 - but this one is for both). If the theme uses an engine besides QtPixmap (this one DOES use QtPixmap), then you may need to disable "Apply colors to non-KDE applications" in your KDE color settings. SuSE ignores the main gtkrc files when using KDE and instead uses this script for gtk settings. You will need to restart KDE after applying these settings.
Thank you. ^_^ I will release an update soon, so that GTK1 version will be less flaky and more consistent.
I might do Alloy as well in my spare time. Actually, Plastig is my very first attempt at making a theme at all!
It was only natural to call it Plastig. :)
You know, there's an old saying: "If it's not here, then where? If it's not now, then when? If it's not me, then who?" -- methinks it fits perfectly.
This was put in the GTK 1.x section, but it looks like it is also available for GTK 2.x, since you screenshots shows GIMP 1.3.x
Is the GTK2 Version included?
Yes, and in fact the GTK2 counterpart is better than the GTK1, which still requires a significant amount of work.
It so happens that just doesn't have a GTK 2.x theme section, so I had to put it into the GTK 1.x section to be consistent at least a little. :)
Now a couple of comments.
1) The scroll bar in gtk1 is thinner than it is in plastic (and gtk2).
2) Default button in gtk1 looks ugly with this dark thick border around it.
3) The list header and toolbars seem to have gradient as in Gremik, not a Plastic one.
Overall I'd say gtk2 theme slightly better than gtk1. Oh and if you need screnshots, to see what I am talking about, let me know.
Thanks again :)
Ratings & Comments
It looks like this theme doesn't work anymore, anyone skilled cares to have a look?
Hi. Please forgive me my english in advance, this is not my mother tongue.
I tried this theme, everything fine, except one thing: fonts. Unfortunately the gtk theme fonts always the same small fonts, anything i set up in kcontrol or qt config. I installed geramik, qtpixmaps. I've wrote to .gtkrc-2.0 and .gtkrc the following line: gtk-font-name = "Nimbus Sans L 11" but it didn't help. What should I do?
plz plz plz... no more bluecurve.. no more keramik!
Hi, i'm kind a newbie and a tried to install this nice theme but could'nt do it ... I wrote this lines to my "~/.gtkrc-2.0": gtk-font-name="Luxi Sans 8" include "/usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" Where "/usr/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" is the place where i unzipped Plastig. Pleaseee, someone help me! :)
I've found the "Industrial" gtk-engine from ximian looks really consistent with plastik on kde. But thanks for giving us another choice.
It's a good work but... i would prefer a real plastik gtk engine instead of a pixmap theme, like Galaxy or bluecurve.
Looks quite good - for 0.1. A few niggles... 1. Push button mouse over re-colours all buttons blue! Not quite how Plastik does this. To acheive something similar, for the mouse-over you need to pixmaps. The first one willbe like the regular button, and re-coloured lightly. The second one would be for the highlight lines that Plastik draws above and below. Basically, the 2nd would be the same size as the button pixmaps, only contain these lines, and the middle should be all alpha-channel (i.e. 100% transparent). In the gtkrc file, you then list the 2nd as the "overlay" file. Have a look at how ThinGeramik (in the Geramik archive) mimics ThinKeramik's active tab. 2. This "mos-over" stuff will also affect comb-boxes, radios, and check buttons. 3. You need to set the x_offset for pushbuttons. In Keramik/Geramik the y offset is 1 (so it goes down), and x is 0. In Plastik they are both 1 - so the text moves to the left/right. ..thats all for now.
E.g. with GIMP 1.2.x I cannot see any sliders.
i tried your gtk theme installing QTPixmap engine and when i change my .gtk-2.0 i can't see many of the icons like the scrollbars. Why could be that? I'm using mdk 9.2 Thanks, and good work! it's a great idea!
It's good to see a Plastice GTK thmeme. However, it crashes the Gnome "Theme Details" window under Mandrake 9.1 running Gnome 2.4.
hi, nice work... just consider telling people to install geramik engine.. your theme depends on that ;) keep up the good work.. and happy new year.
You mean the qtpixmap engine, not the Geramik engine ;-)
In Fedora Core I select the theme in the control center an it crashes. I'm able to use the theme in gnome (but seems that there are some problems) but in kde I don't see any changes on the gtk theme. Anyone has the same problem? This theme is great and I would like use it :(
dont get this working on suse 8.2, i can choose the plastig theme in gnome 1 and 2 controll center but it shows always the default theme? copied it the /opt/gnome/share/themes and also /home/user/.themes/, then i changed the first line with the path in both gtkrc files.. anything else i must do?
It's strange, even though I tested it only on SuSE 9.0 yet... Are you trying to use it with GTK applications in KDE or in GNOME? If anything else fails, and your GTK applications running under KDE still use Geramik, you might try physically replacing your Geramik with Plastig, if you don't really care for the former.
On SuSE, at least 9.0, it works best to modify your /opt/kde3/bin/startkde script. There, replace all references to Geramik with the theme you want (but be careful if the theme is just for gtk1 or just gtk2 - but this one is for both). If the theme uses an engine besides QtPixmap (this one DOES use QtPixmap), then you may need to disable "Apply colors to non-KDE applications" in your KDE color settings. SuSE ignores the main gtkrc files when using KDE and instead uses this script for gtk settings. You will need to restart KDE after applying these settings.
Geramik is installed..
Keep working on it please! I'd rather you do Alloy, but hey, I'm gratefull for this.
Thank you. ^_^ I will release an update soon, so that GTK1 version will be less flaky and more consistent. I might do Alloy as well in my spare time. Actually, Plastig is my very first attempt at making a theme at all!
Thanks man! I've been waiting for this to come out... and I even guessed that the gtk version would be named plastig :)
It was only natural to call it Plastig. :) You know, there's an old saying: "If it's not here, then where? If it's not now, then when? If it's not me, then who?" -- methinks it fits perfectly.
This was put in the GTK 1.x section, but it looks like it is also available for GTK 2.x, since you screenshots shows GIMP 1.3.x Is the GTK2 Version included?
Yes, and in fact the GTK2 counterpart is better than the GTK1, which still requires a significant amount of work. It so happens that just doesn't have a GTK 2.x theme section, so I had to put it into the GTK 1.x section to be consistent at least a little. :)
Now a couple of comments. 1) The scroll bar in gtk1 is thinner than it is in plastic (and gtk2). 2) Default button in gtk1 looks ugly with this dark thick border around it. 3) The list header and toolbars seem to have gradient as in Gremik, not a Plastic one. Overall I'd say gtk2 theme slightly better than gtk1. Oh and if you need screnshots, to see what I am talking about, let me know. Thanks again :)