Description: After getting extremely bored with the stock sounds on Ubuntu, I Decided to make my own,
And I am sharing them with the world under the GNU Licence in a bid that they may be included in a Distro one day.
(done using LMMS with stock sounds)
To describe them, I guess they are kind of 'Dreamy' or calm.. (and no drums!)
***How to install Extract contents of the zip archive and place the folder new-age-ubuntu in the /usr/share/sounds directory (you will need root access to do this, and make sure they are readable to everyone (chmod 755))
To use the included usb device sounds, you need to have sox installed (sudo apt-get install sox), and the sounds need to be in the location described above. To use the script first make sure its marked as executable (chmod a+x and to use it you can include the script in gnome's startup applications, or wherever you prefer.
I love the login sound. Glad I found this :)
Also, if you're still using Linux, feel free to add your opinions here:
I mentioned this sound theme as a good example of a good sound scheme for what KDE is trying to accomplish.
Thanks again.
Ratings & Comments
I love the login sound. Glad I found this :) Also, if you're still using Linux, feel free to add your opinions here: I mentioned this sound theme as a good example of a good sound scheme for what KDE is trying to accomplish. Thanks again.
They sound nice. Maybe you should include instructions on how to install them.
Have updated the description with some basic instructions on how to install them :)
Comments Welcome
Fuck you and your ubuntu :)