I really want to try this cursor theme, but the comments don't look good. How could they be that bad? Can anyone tell me if this theme will somehow break my box? Or does this designer maybe just have a lot of enemies?? The cursors look perfect...??
First version i try to combine 2 or 3 themes so yes first one actually bad :) But this just combine of DMZ white and OSX cursor theme I'am using it actually Every theme in my account i am just make for myself and maybe someody want what my want so i upload them to gnome-look.
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Одоо бүгдийг нь зассан байх гэж найдаж байна сайн байгаа бололтой :)
тийм сайжруулсан :) зөвхөн DMZ ба el capitan
I really want to try this cursor theme, but the comments don't look good. How could they be that bad? Can anyone tell me if this theme will somehow break my box? Or does this designer maybe just have a lot of enemies?? The cursors look perfect...??
First version i try to combine 2 or 3 themes so yes first one actually bad :) But this just combine of DMZ white and OSX cursor theme I'am using it actually Every theme in my account i am just make for myself and maybe someody want what my want so i upload them to gnome-look.