OlliFri Icon Set
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:The icon set can used for all desktops. Works under Qt4, Qt5 Gtk2, Gtk3.
It is a mix of Steampunk, Oxygen and its own icons.
Die herunter geladene Datei entpacken und die beiden Ordner mit root Rechten in den Ordner
/usr/share/icons/ kopieren.
Unter KDE können die Icons auch direkt über die
< Systemeinstellungen - Symbole - neues Design holen > installiert werden. (Beide Dateien installieren)
Im Ordner Ollis-Icons-Mix-RedRoot befinden sich ein Ordner Places mit roten Ordner Symbolen.
Ansonsten befinden sich hier nur Verlinkungen zum Ordner Ollis-Icons-Mix.
Man kann also die Systemeinstllungen mit Root Rechten öffnen und dort die Icons < Ollis-Icons-Mix-RedRoot
auswählen. Damit ändern sich die Ordnersymbole im Root Modus zu Roten Ordner. Die anderen Icons bleiben
Unzip the downloaded file and place the two folders with root rights in the folder
/usr/share/icons/ copy.
Under KDE, the icons can also directly over the
. (Install both files)
The folder Ollis-Icons-Mix-RedRoot contains a folder Places with red folder icons.
Otherwise, there are only links to the folder Ollis-Icons-Mix.
So you can open the system settings with root rights and there the icons
2017 Dez 30
Correction of the wrongly wrong links of Gnome and Gtk icons. (Unfortunately linked to my home directory)
Korektur der versehendlich falschen Verknüpfungen der Gnome und Gtk Icons. (Wurden leider mit meinem Home Verzeichnis verknüpft)
Ratings & Comments
10 So SO very cool!! I have truly in all my years of using one OS/Distro after another, I have NEVER seen any icons, or whatever else you would call them, never seen such incredible work!! Truly insanely cool, my friend!! Thank you so much!! Wow, the detail, even the texturing is like nothing I have ever seen as far as icons, cursors, emojis, etc. goes. I don't think I have ever ever EVER given this rating before...but it truly is a 10/10! Beautiful work! All of them!
10 10 the best I like the Old school retro Excellent! thank you
Thanks. Love your work. Keep updating.
Really like this update. Really superb.
Great looking Icons, love it, please continue to update and support, your work will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Super Icon, Klasse Arbeit, Danke
forget about the Luckybackup request. Do not know what I was thinking about. ...cheers...
9 Great. Using this set instead of the Steampunk ones. One request, Luckybackup icon is missing. Great work.