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Kv Glass
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Become a Fan
Theme Style for Kvantum.
Installation: After making sure that you have installed Kvantum, use "Kvantum Manager" from the Utilities menu to install and choose this theme.
You should use the decoration Glass-kv : https://store.kde.org/p/1201322/
- added Manjaro variant.
Installation: After making sure that you have installed Kvantum, use "Kvantum Manager" from the Utilities menu to install and choose this theme.
You should use the decoration Glass-kv : https://store.kde.org/p/1201322/
- added Manjaro variant.
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url

0 Affiliates
version 0.3
downloads 24h 6
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 36
More Kvantum from vicko:
Other Kvantum:
Kvantum Engine
A Linux SVG-based theme engine for Qt4/Qt5 and KDE Plasma.
GH: https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum
See also: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1005410

Ratings & Comments
Very beautiful! Just installed it on Kubuntu with Plasma 6.1.5 and seems to work so far.
10 Beautiful theme. Just one question. Where did you get those folders icons? They look amazing but I can't find them.
10 I like it
10 You deservethe 10
Perfect, I've applied it to my all desktop. One issue with Dolphin, Can I remove the horizntal lines in Details view mode?
help, put the theme but the windows remain opaque
10 10 the best
Not even KV is turning transparent https://imghost.techxero.com/images/RNo.png
Ok I am on Manjaro KDE 20.03 tried over and over to get Dolphin to work Glass style to no avail. Theme is not working for anything except pasnel and title bars. Not even menus are becoming transparent. https://imghost.techxero.com/images/LLw.png
This is my favourite theme - but has one bug that drives me crazy. In the dolphin file manager when scrolling, files merge into the header column making it difficult to read a change by date, type etc. Otherwise this theme is delicious! Well done!
Can you send me a screenshot?
10 10 the best
KvGlassManjaro is really beautiful. 
10 10 the best
GLass Manjaro theme is so beautiful. WOW. Amazing, i prefer this more than kvantum default. Thanks my author.
10 10, I'm newbie on kvantum, someone can help me? I can't find the "Kvantum" option in "color" to apply the theme in the entire GTK3 environment. Also I tried installing Adapta but it didn't change anything. I am enjoying only a 50% of this theme.
Oh I see
what is your color scheme.
Nice theme ! What is your icon theme please?.
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent! Y la variante en color verde genial!
This is just perfect. I am not good with svg, but could you make a green variant for use in manjaro?
wow that was quick. Thank you so much