Choice Menu

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Screenshot is of my mom's current desktop, and the download link is to a shell script I made for her with a kdialog front-end. On the screenshot you can see a link to it-- "Choice Menu".

Just some ideas for a desktop setup for older people (40 and up ;-D).

[Screenshot is reduced in size and quality]
Last changelog:

-Now on, currently only entry in "Other Software" section (direct link:
- Made script defaults more general
- Added a few comments for readability

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whered u get the fortune thing that was in the preview?


It's a karamba theme. In my case, it came with Karamba 0.17. It's very simple and doesn't use any python scripting, so I don't think it comes with the new SuperKaramba. You can actually build the theme yourself it's so simple. If you take something like my Evolution theme (I believe it's somewhere still buried on this site) and modify it to run "fortune -s" rather than my script, then you'd basically have it.


Great Idea. Very handy. Might get the wife to convert now. I can think of a few other uses as well. Wish I thought of it. Well done.


I also have a link to the script in ~/.kde/Autostart, so that it pops up when she logs in.


for older people (40 and up ;-D). Hey, I resemble that remark! *waves his cane menacingly*


I resemble it too, and I'm not sure whether I should be offended or not. Is the implication that people older than 40 need special interfaces? Is it that "you can't teach an old dog new tricks?" What? I'm wondering if anyone needs to inform Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson that they need special interfaces on their desktops or they won't be able to use email...


I suppose I could have said something like "for people with limited computer literacy", but I'd rather make a blanket statement that will get a rise out of someone ;-). And yes, I do realize that many people involved in Computer Science are over 40, many of whom are great advancers in the field. I use this very example to counter the "I'm too old" argument I get from "old" people. Just like the "computers were before my time" excuse. So you mean to tell me you were born before 1890, when Herman Hollerith invented one of the first electro-mechanical computers? Or in a broader sense, referring to any computational device, we have the abacus dating back to possibly 1000 BC. It was also common to refer to people who were experts at computation as "computers" all the way into the 1950's. We also have the first graphical interface, and the concept of hypertext links coming from that same decade. Really the people who use these excuses are either lazy or afraid or both. They should just admit they're not willing to learn. If one is willing to learn, ley can overcome any ignorance. Well, anyhow, that's the end of my rant. Mainly I'm talking about people like my grandfather btw. He commonly *brags* about how "I don't even know how to turn the damn thing on". My mother, on the other hand, can be frustrating with some self-imposed limitations (i.e she doesn't manage her own /home directory), but she's been willing to try out GNU/Linux, and is willing to learn anything if it's "shown", but like a lot of users, learns by rote, and gets annoyed when I try to explain anything in abstractions.


I agree it is nice for mothers and fathers ;) I am a 40 year old woman and the computer freak in our family. That's a nice idea I will introduce to my father (70) and my aunt (63) and our local seniors computer club. 40 - boy where are you living... ;)


That is a great idea. I modified the script some, but I have just added the same thing to my mother's desktop. Thanks


I'd hope so. Unless your mother has a friend named Gloria too ;-). If you make a kewl modification, feel free to distribute it.

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