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Ratings & Comments
please why not rebuild these styles for KDE 4!!! kmahjong is really amazing in KDE 4, and with kdesvn-build it's not that hard to build... you'll love it, really! and the developers and users would love to see some styles in kmahjong 4...
We are running gentoo 64/KDE 3.5.x/Qt 3.? in this house. GCC4 is available. Will it work there as well? The tilesets are offsprings of the corresponding Javascript-Mahjongg-tilesets from, and they are "bitmap-oriented". it should work ;-) using as normal user xhost + and export DISPLAY=:0 as kde4 user, you can run the kde4 apps in the normal users' environment. nice to test the apps, and even use them.
Too bad that the SVG-stuff is too new. Some crucial parts exspecially used for textures don't work yet in KDE 3.5.5,, neither in KSVG nor in mozilla (checked with selfsvg, counterchecked with inkscape). so long, uja
Log in as root copy the files to the pic directory of kmahjongg /whereever/kde/3.x/share/share/apps/kmahjongg/pic