Description: This package contains: - a window decoration (made with DecGen 0.1) - two wallpapers - a superkaramba theme that displays information about the song played in amarok (see screenshot) - a kickerbackground and buttongraphics for Baghira-Starter and kbfx - a color-scheme - a baghira-configuration file - a background for kxdocker - a background for Contactlist
Well, I went ahead and made my own theme sort of like this one, except it shows the time, instead of the rating. You can find it here ( I also made the background (from the screenshots above), if anybody else is interested. But, I would still like this stylepack very much, for the other stuff that is in it, so if anybody has it, and could maybe upload it somewhere (e.g., rapidshare), or email it to me, I would be very greatful!
Everything looks great here. I don't use karamba or the baghira thing, but it looks perfect. I have made a couple of decgen themes too, and I'll be uploading them as soon as I can. They are ports of Metacity and Xfce decos, so I want to contact the authors first.
Ratings & Comments
Well, I went ahead and made my own theme sort of like this one, except it shows the time, instead of the rating. You can find it here ( I also made the background (from the screenshots above), if anybody else is interested. But, I would still like this stylepack very much, for the other stuff that is in it, so if anybody has it, and could maybe upload it somewhere (e.g., rapidshare), or email it to me, I would be very greatful!
The link is dead! Could someone email it to me, if you have it?
please add a link to the osx menu bar fonts? 10X alot:) scroll down a little bit...
Everything looks great here. I don't use karamba or the baghira thing, but it looks perfect. I have made a couple of decgen themes too, and I'll be uploading them as soon as I can. They are ports of Metacity and Xfce decos, so I want to contact the authors first.
Thanks, I am looking forward to your windecos since there are many beautiful metacity-decos.