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Ratings & Comments
Gee, maybe you could animate the graphic. And quadraphonic sound would be mandatory. Of course this would take up tons of resources. But isn't that what it's all about.
If you dont like shiney graphics, turn them off. There's nothing to force you to complain about somebody elses hard work, just because you dont want to use it.
one thing... kde is the best.
Hmm... This pic is a nice copy of the style GNOME is using on their page. Don't get me wrong - it is a nice pic and I think KDE should get something like this, too. I'm no artist, but shouldn't it be possible to come up with something that looks different and perhaps even better? We don't want to copy GNOME, don't we? We want to make those GNOMEs jealous of our work and not to make them blame us to copy their ideas ;-) Just my 0.02 EUR
No, I don't want to copy GNOME. I just wanted to have a laugh and say, hehe we're that cool too. I do think we should use and make KDE the best desktop out there, without copying Windows, Mac or GNOME.