Available as/for:desktopphonetablet
Description:AppImageLauncher makes your Linux desktop AppImage ready™. By installing it, you won't ever have to worry about AppImages again. You can always double click them without making them executable first, just like you should be able to do nowadays. You can integrate AppImages with a single mouse click, and manage them from your application launcher. Updating and removing AppImages becomes as easy as never before.
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Ratings & Comments
This is the most stupid tutorial section I have ever read What clown wrote it. Seriously, in 22 years of running Linux I have found nothing as laughably absurd as the pling-store app installation tutorials Would anyone care to state EXACTLY how to install this? I need more of a laugh
After 22 years you should be able to follow a readme file https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher#system-wide-installation
Go here to assist in the installation - https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher/wiki
You are everything but not 22 years experience. Here is your photo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaxjkxxUEAMJYp5?format=jpg
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent
Saying "Download this" is not a setup tutorial.
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent Nicely integrates AppImages into the desktop environment.
Working Great on KDE neon.
9 +
Working great in Budgie. Thanks, makes adding and sampling Appimage very simple.
Perfect in Kubuntu 18.04 LTS
9 +
Perfect in Manjaro. Nice work.
very buggy in linux mint 19.1 .
There's been a lot of work going on back then. The latest versions are quite stable, according to users. "very buggy" isn't quite precise, if you have concrete bugs, please describe them in detail and ideally post them over on GitHub, here they're likely to get lost.
Now I'm using kde neon and downloaded .Deb from your github page.It's working smoothly now.
is you a suicide?