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- Application Styles11
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- deKorator Themes175
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- Full Icon Themes1753
- Global Themes (Plasma 5)472
- Global Themes (Plasma 6)226
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- KDE Game-Addons142
- KDE Plasma Extensions2452
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- Kwin Switching Layouts2
- Latte Dock79
- Mycroft Skills127
- Plasma 6 Splashscreens123
- Plasma 6 Window Decorations174
- Plasma Color Schemes2165
- Plasma Mobile Wallpapers4
- Plasma Splashscreens1563
- Plasma Themes896
- Plasma Window Decorations682
- Plymouth Themes540
- QSvgStyles5
- QtCurve550
- SDDM Login Themes687
- SMPlayer/MPlayer33
- Sysmon 6 Applet Designs6
- Telegram Themes21
- Various Plasma 6 Improvements5
- Various Plasma Theming23
- Various Qt Stuff297
- Wallpapers KDE Plasma12115

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Psion is a dark industrial look suited to SteamPunk styled wallpapers.
A rounded version is here - https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1811631 Last changelog:
A rounded version is here - https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1811631
6.6 - New login and splash screens
6.5 - Add custom layout. Update for recent Plasma versions.

0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version 6.6
downloads 24h 20
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 20
More Global Themes (Plasma 5) from phob1an:
Other Global Themes (Plasma 5):
Global Themes
Global Themes in Plasma are Meta- or Super-Themes, capable of changing multiple aspects of the desktop environment at once, like Window Decoration, Plasma Theme, Color Scheme, Icon Theme etc. In addition, one can define the complete Layout, like what panel to use where, the menu type used and much more.
An example Global Theme:
For more info how to create Global themes click here:
https://userbase.kde.org/Plasma/Create_a_Global Theme_Package
Or watch this video:

Ratings & Comments
8 Good to see some good looking content, not just flat copy pasta gibberish
Hi phob1an, hope you're doing well. Just wanted to give you an update on the icons from this theme. I noticed that in Dolphin the forward and back arrows are no longer showing the buttons you made it's back to the standard button arrows. Can you please check it out. Can't seem to send a screenshot, but it's the arrow buttons of Dolphin below the menu bar [File] [Edit] [View] etc...
Hi Phob1an, it's also affecting the round version of the theme, there was a recent update of the Breeze theme from Ubuntu and for some reason after the updates happened it affected those arrow buttons, it became the standard arrows only. I love the Psion buttons better.
BTW, the issue encountered affected the latest Kubuntu 22.04 update
Fixed, just update Buuf Plasma. I'm no longer maintaining my Plasma 5 themes so the Plasma 6 version is here: https://www.pling.com/p/2138046/ (Haven't updated Psion Round yet.)
Hi phob1an, Thank you! It's working now, I hope you could fix the Psion Round as that's what I use most of the time. But this will do! Thank you!
Will start work on Psion Round soon(ish).
Thank you so much!!
Overhauled for Plasma 6. Grab it here: https://www.pling.com/p/2175097/
Updated for Plasma 6. https://www.pling.com/p/2175097/
10 I'm not a huge fan of dark themes but this is the best I have seen. Nice work!
Thanks again. Updates soon.
Outra coisa, o link do . A hack for GTK3 apps is here - https://www.opendesktop.org/s/Gnome/p/1236001/ . O mesmo está offline.
Removed the dead link.
Bom dia. Obrigado pelo retorno. O theme Psion global ele tbem é compatível com os app gtk3?
Modern apps use GTK4 which can't be themed so I've dropped support for GTK in general.
PHOB1AN, boa tarde. Desculpa pelo incomodo, mas você pode atualizar o tema Psion-Round, pois o mesmo não instala no manjaro-kde. Obrigado. Esse tema é muito top!!!
KDE Plasma's GNS (Get New Stuff) thinks that this is an invalid package and spits out an error, indicating that it cannot install the SDDM theme: Installation of /tmp/fmgpgb-psion-global-6-1.tar.xz failed: Could not install dependency: 'kns://sddmtheme.knsrc/api.kde-look.org/1688188'
What distro are you using?
Was able to replicate this on both Arch and openSUSE Tumbleweed.
Oh, also on KDE Plasma 5.27.8 and KDE Frameworks 5.110.0 releases.
I've updated the SDDM page with a newly named tarball. Tried installing this with the GNS button but it still grabs the old archived .tar.bz2 SDDM file. No idea why. Installing the SDDM theme separately (with its GNS button) works.
Yeah, the api strips off the extension for some reason.
10 It looks so good
10 This theme is a breath of fresh air. We need more classic-look themes. I'm sick of these overly minimalistic themes.