A Suru++ monochromatic icons theme for users of dark environments
These "aspromautic" or monochromatic icons are based on Suru++ 25 Dark cons of sizes 16, 24 and 32. It is flat, minimalist and designed for users who use dark environment and want monochromatic and shapless Suru++. The word "Asprómauros" comes from the modern Greek word ασπρόμαυρος, which means black and white.
All the former versions are renamed after sites of ancient Greece during the Dark Ages (Geometric Period).
Please click in this index and also see what is new in the icons theme above!
✱ Added 246 new icons in the folder «actions» ✱ Upstreamed «apps» folder from Suru++ 30; ✱ Added new 43 icons in the folder «devices/16»: ✱ In the folder `devices`, the icons of iPod, iPod nano and old phones of Android – Google Nexus, HTC, Nokia 900 and Palm Pre, have been improved and redesigned; ✱ Added 74 new icons in the folder «emblems»; ✱ The «emotes/scalable» and «intl/scalable» have been optimised and cleaned, and their SVG codes have been purified; ✱ The Russian flag has been added to «intl/scalable»; ✱ Upstreamed «mimetypes» folder from Suru++ 30; ✱ Added 179 new icons in the folder «panel»; ✱ Upstreamded «places» from Suru++ 30; ✱ Upgraded «status» folder; ✱ Purified the SVG codes of all icons of all folders; ✱ Recolored and reimaged with Suru++ cybercolours all folders, including with newly added Papirus icons upstreamed from Papirus Icon Theme Project; ✱ Added gradients, including Cyberpunk Neon, support for all folders, including with newly added Papirus icons; ✱ Reordered the gradients list of all icons of all folders; ✱ Renamed all «64» folders to «scalable» folders to render compatibility with Suru++ Ubuntu.
I hope this is ok with you https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1303003/
I kept the original name in the title so people know who the original icons are by,and also made it clear they are not my work,I just recoloured them to match a theme,also you are credited as the creator for plings.
These are fantastic icons btw,they are the only icons along with Suru++,that I use now,you have done a wonderful job with them.
Hi @zb652, as it is under GPL3, you can do what you want with them, but GPL3 requires that you put my copyrights and the same licence in the end of description.
Sorry for my absence, I was mianly focused on Suru++ to complete and wipe all the bugs out that the original author failed during months. But I have just upgraded. No bugs and totally complete now.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
4 4 soso
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
¡MUchas gracias, Daniel!
10 10 the best
Thank you, @fkorpsvart!
9 +
Thank you, @zb652
I hope this is ok with you https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1303003/ I kept the original name in the title so people know who the original icons are by,and also made it clear they are not my work,I just recoloured them to match a theme,also you are credited as the creator for plings. These are fantastic icons btw,they are the only icons along with Suru++,that I use now,you have done a wonderful job with them.
Hi @zb652, as it is under GPL3, you can do what you want with them, but GPL3 requires that you put my copyrights and the same licence in the end of description.
9 +
ευχαριστώ πολύ, @vatsok! :-)
9 Thumbs Up for cool icons!
Thank you :-)
9 +
Thank you, Miguel!
9 +
Thank you, @p4prik4!
9 Awesome Theme bro!! is there any easy way to change white icon color to dark color. Thanks dude :)
You are welcome, as it has been upstreamed from Suru++ 25 Dark today, it is compatible with Oomox, you change them with any colour.
9 +
Thank you, @mystress!
9 + iam very love it with your icon but, i hope on next update please add vscode and telegram icon
Sorry for my absence, I was mianly focused on Suru++ to complete and wipe all the bugs out that the original author failed during months. But I have just upgraded. No bugs and totally complete now.