Macbreeze Shadowless
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Based on default Breeze
It differs from original:
- It has light semi-transparent panel and notifications (so the blur can be enabled) with black font and icons.
- The panel doesn't have a shadow which creates a flat, coherent look with maximized light windows.
- Power icons are different (see attached screenshots above).
The theme is suitable for mac look alike settings.
On the screenshots above you see: desktop theme: Macbreeze Shadowless, aurorae theme: Breezmite, Kvantum theme: KvGlassWhite, icons: La Capitaine, fonts: San Francisco Compact, latte-dock as panel and dock, hence panel in maximized mode gets solid for better readability and unification with the window body.
To install this theme, either clone/copy this repository or extract in ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/ for a local user or globally in /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/ .
Ratings & Comments
Is there a way to enable shadows?
No, lack of shadows is hardcoded, so to speak. The reason for this theme is to have no shadows so it won't have them and they won't be possible to turn on.
Cześć Michal! I suggest that rename Macbreeze to McBreeze, because Mac is an Apple trademark and Apple can sue us. If you keep it, OpenDesktop can remove the plings from you.
This is possible but when you check opendesktop, there are plenty of Mac products and nobody has any problem with it. Apple is usually pursuing others when it matters to them, so for example if it's damaging their public view somehow or is direct competition, etc. In other cases, they just don't bother. At the moment we are not on their radar so we shouldn't worry too much, at least now and the nearest feature.
Yes, Michal, but if you keep it, OpenDesktop will remove plings from you. See what they did to @umayanga. As for Apple, see the news: https://www.tomshardware.co.uk/apple-logo-legal-college,news-29341.html. Do not think Apple will not care, or that Apple is an angel. Apple is evil.
If we are talking about details, it's "macbreeze" - one word. Has Apple patented any words with "mac" in it? What about MacDonalds :)?. Nah, I think we are good. Again, we have a lot of mac-something names in the Linux community for a long time and no one cares about it. If things change, then we can take new steps. No need to be overly sensitive now.
9 + I love this theme, yet I got a little request for you. If this isn't hard work for you, can you, ~please~, make a dark variant of this theme? Your color pallete choice is great with blur, the greatest i've seen so far, i'd like to use as well a dark variant of this. Please! Afterall, thanks.
Thanks, but I don't have time lately for such projects. However, I can't exclude that some day I will make a dark counterpart to this.
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How did you get the transparency for the toolbar in Dolphin ?
Edit : can you share your Kvantum glass white theme ?
Here is the link to the light Kvantum glass theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1240691/ And if you need dark one: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1201321/ Read the descriptions for link to aurorae themes matching those Kvantum themes. However, I still prefer to use Breezemite.
How you get transparent window?
Basically, window transparency on Qt-KDE programs is provided by Kvantum theme. It's all in the description. Some programs, like Konsole have own settings to provide transparency - go to Edit profile, look, enable transparency and blur. Gtk programs won't have window transparency, also some Qt won't have it either, it depends on how they are constructed and if they use a class style (not sure how it is properly named, I'm not a developer) that chosen Kvantum theme is making semi-transparent. All of it has nothing to do with my desktop theme, but Macbreeze Shadowless simply suit the light, transparent Kvantum theme as shown os screens.
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