Description: Toggle panel visibility from screen edge
This is for Panel ID 5; it is a hacky script to toggle the visibility of the panel by setting its size to a negative value
Donation: Any donations are welcome to: paypal: thanks a lot
Important Note I : This script is for KDE 5.xx but for versions before 5.13 the panel need to be unlocked otherwise the script wont work
Important Note II : The script have also a feature to auto hide the panel after 10 sec, to enable the feature you need to edit the file "/home/user/.local/share/kwin/scripts/togglepanelscreenedge.../contents/code/main.js" line 19 and replace intika by your username
Important Note III : You can also add more feature to your panel by setting it up in (KDE System Settings - Window Manager - Window Rules - New - Detect Window Properties "And select your pannel")
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