Aritim-Dark Theme
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- Aritim-Dark Global Theme
- Aritim-Dark GTK Theme
- Aritim-Dark Konsole Theme
- Aritim-Dark Plasma Color Scheme
- Aritim-Dark Plasma Theme
- Aritim-Dark Plasma Theme (Opaque)
- Aritim-Dark Wallpapers
- Aritim-Dark Telegram Theme
You can find all the wallpapers by browsing the related collection --> Aritim-Dark Wallpapers Collection
Complete list on the GitHub repository.
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Ratings & Comments
Hi everyone! A little update on Aritim Dark/Light for Plasma 6: TLDR: I'm working on it! Just no precise ETA for now!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
Thank you very much, I really appreciate that.
Just to let you know that I have made plasma themes like that too in the past but there is one problem with doing them with 0 widgets or dialogs and just putting colors inside the folder. Example. Copy something large enough from somewhere to your desktop and when the the small dialog comes uellp at the right hand corner of the screen for copying the file well it should have the color of your selected bg there and slide from left from to right but when you do it this way it is just white. No big deal but there is some things that do not work the same like that. I learned how to do it that way a while ago from here: and it is weird because it is nothing but colors. and meta.destop. Some things do not color coreectly though but not much.
You Plasma theme has screenshots of the sweet theme and also one more thing I am pretty sure you are supposed to use the same license as the theme you used to make you theme out of.
I am generally very respectful and attentive to licensing and I do not currently see any errors with regard to the licensing of the plasma theme (We are talking about not the Opaque one, right?) My license is the same as that provided by Eliverlara (CC BY-SA 4.0) both in the repository and in the product page. I have then expressly included the "LICENSE" section both in the product page and in the repository, indicating Eliverlara as the author, in order to be as correct as possible. I don't see any errors, if you can tell me more precisely where I'm wrong I'd be very grateful.
His Plasma theme has GPLv3 on the site so either he is wrong and has posted wrong license or something.
But your link is actually pointing to his "color scheme" page. I thought we were talking about his Plasma Theme ( which has CC BY-SA 4.0
I was just looking at one page of his. Guess he has several license on the same theme.
He doesnt even have the stuff at github and I was chewed out for this and because of that I asked nicely to add his stuff properly to github and he didnt so there is only one thing left to do. I expect everyone on this site to be treated the same. I had all my stuff in repos but it is was in zipped folders. Sad number one theme on the site doesnt even obey rules even after being asked. his ccolor scheme is pointing to a GTK theme and has been since he first made the theme.
If you visit the correct link you will see that my plasma theme has the same license as in opendesktop -->
Yes it does. Sorry he had inside the gtk theme for whatever reason I would never know.
BUT HE HAS LICENSE AS GPLv3 at GITHUB. My capitols do not mean nothing volitile just making a point. He I guess has license different on github than on site and then has license two diffferent ways on site so I dont know.
I notice you don't show screenshots of dolhin file manager and I know why. For these type of themes Dolphin is the ugliest thing. The color strip that goes around the the view background makes it that way and I wish they would give us the option to remove it.
Actually the third screenshot is about Dolphin, but you're completely right. That blue line of pixel it's just there and I'm pretty sure we cannot customize it, sadly.
I was looking at this page which has gplv3 and has everything but the plasma theme inside a GTK theme. Sorry I was not gonna go tell on you evenif it was a mistake. I was just trying to help really. I would rather me tell you than someone else tell the moderators or someting.
As for the screenshot, I forgot to delete it. It's now fixed.
Your right. He had me confused with the gtk theme at github and the KDE stuff inside that same repo. I was just letting you know that the screenshots were there and the licese I was wrong about.
No problem freefreeno, it's really easy to get confused sometimes on licenses, especially if there are some inconsistencies among the original repo and its product page so you have to guess which is the correct license. I really have to thank you because I took the chance to check my licenses and to fix some inconsistencies I had (also the lack of the color scheme you pointed out). By checking licenses and repos you are really doing a fantastic and appreciable job: we often rely on open source projects for their security etc. This is untrue if there isn't someone who checks the source code etc!
Well I don't normally check peoples stuff but I had downloaded your theme and noticed the screenshots. I have been wanting to make a transparent theme and i think I can do a good job but my problem is showing the theme for what it really is. It is hard to show people in screenshots and make them look good at least for me anyways and that is the most important part.
There is NO color scheme at that github repo.
Fixed! It was in my local folder but it seems I forgot to push it on the remote repo.
Would you mind sharing your Aurorae theme?