These files only contain the folders icons, to complement it just edit the index.theme file and define the "inherits" key with your favorite icon theme e.g:
Candy icons was moved here
Ratings & Comments
10 Really nice and unique
The icon set works fine but I have one complaint. I use Yellow folders and on my older system, it works fine but I installed it on a newer system and the folder icons have changed!. The main difference is the old folder icons have solid and thinner lines and the new folder icons have thicker broken lines. Why did these change? I want the old tyle on my new system.
10 I loved the Nordic and Sweet themes! The only thing I don't like is that the trash can on my desktop only shows a symbolic icon, for Nordic I added the icon used in Papirus, but I have not been able to find a matching icon for Sweet. :( (I also give it a 10 to compensate a bit for those unfair negative ratings that your themes receive)
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 Love 'em! Great work!
10 10 the best I love Purple Filled
8 Love the icons combined with these folders, just have a tiny suggestion, could it be possible to also change file icons with this folder pack, now i have nice teal folders and a dark teal theme but purple file icons
5 5/10 Sweet Mars colors do not populate correctly, which is a shame considering my entire de uses that scheme except for my folders
Nice, but the application icons doesn't look modern; kind of old styles. Also if it were kind of round then it would have been much better.
Please help me, how can i install the icons ?
10 10 the best
Hi there, I love these folders, very stylish, colorful and minimalist! 10/10 But the file Sweet-red.tarxz is exactly the same as Sweet-red-filled.tarxz (both are filled folders). I did download both twice to double check. Could you upload the correct Sweet-red.tarxz file? Thank you in advance.
Hey new to Linux. I tried to install these icons with your "Sweet-Dark" theme. I am using Gnome-Tweaks and noticed everything changed except the application logos. Am i missing something? Thank you in advance for the help.
Also, i am aware this says its "folders" and to compliment it go into the index.theme file. Once i open that file, the "Inherits" already says things like "candy-icons, breeze-dark,gnome,ubuntu-mono-dark,Mint-X,elementary,gnome,hicolor". I've tried adding "sweet-rainbow" etc. to that line, however they still don't change.
For anyone else that is new and having this issue. I was able to solve it by downloading the candy-icons (link is above) and saved it to my .icons folder. as soon as that was done, it changed automatically.
10 Thank you so much. Can you add support for Jupyter Notebooks (ipynb) too ?
Thank you so much. Can you add support for Jupyter Notebooks (ipynb) too ?
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 How does one install these icons? I am already using the Sweet-Dark theme and Candy-icons. Can I add these as well or will they conflict with something?
10 How to i get the dockbar icons? (firefox, vs code, etc) they simply won't change for me - other than that 10/10.
nvm, got it