Description: This is a unified icon set for multimedia-related FOSS apps inspired by Adobe's Creative Cloud, meant as an "add-in" to other icon themes. Instead of using periodic-table styled mnemonics, this icon set uses the applications' original logos and branding - as I feel it would be slightly more recognizable and original.
Currently it also has the palette of the approximate corresponding program within the Creative Cloud suite (GIMP ~ Photoshop, Inkscape ~ Illustrator, etc.), and ones that were picked near a related program (e.g. Krita).
The latest snapshot can be found by following the source link, then click "Clone or Download", then click "Download ZIP".
Installation: 1. ".local/share/icons" should exist in your home directory. 2. Extract the zip file to it (or drag and drop the folder inside the icons folder) 3. Inside the extracted folder, open index.theme in your preferred text editor. 4. Change the line that contains "Inherits=" and type in the identifier of your base icon theme after the "=", for example to change the base icon theme to Breeze, this line should contain "Inherits=breeze". 5. Switch to the icon theme with your DE's configuration tool.
Please request a specific application (color code optional) in the comments or here!
Ratings & Comments
3 -More icons needed
9 + We need more icons))
9 +