+ GTK 3.0 Theme
+ GTK 2.0 Theme
+ GNOME Shell Theme
+ Plymouth Theme
+ Sound Theme
+ Icon Set
+ Cursor Theme
+ Grub Theme
+ Desktop Wallpapers
+ GNOME extensions
+ Font
# Warning: This theme is currently in beta.
We still have a lot of work to do: more icons to add, bugs to squash and many tweaks. Please let us know what you think or if you find a bug!
We are all ears

How to install:
Ubuntu and Debian based distributions:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:starlabs/beta
sudo apt update
sudo apt install starlabstheme
sudo apt remove starlabstheme
Other Distributions:
You need to install:
git meson sassc
git clone
cd StarLabsTheme
meson build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install
cd StarLabsTheme
git pull
ninja -C build reconfigure
sudo ninja -C build uninstall
sudo ninja -C build install
sudo ninja -C build uninstall
Additional Features
Some parts aren't configured on install. If you would like to use them, use the below commands. Make sure to undo these commands before uninstalling.
This isn't required if installed from our PPA.
GDM3 Theme:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gdm3.css gdm3.css /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/StarLabs/gnome-shell.css 47
sudo update-alternatives --remove gdm3.css /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/StarLabs/gnome-shell.css
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/StarLabs/StarLabs.plymouth 150 --slave /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.grub default.plymouth.grub /usr/share/plymouth/themes/StarLabs/StarLabs.grub
sudo update-initramfs -u
sudo update-alternatives --remove default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/starlabs-logo/starlabs-logo.plymouth
sudo update-initramfs -u
How to use:
Once the theme is installed, reboot your machine.
At the login screen select your login username and then click the cog symbol.
From the dropdown menu, select 'StarLabs' from the session list.
Next, enter your password and proceed to login as normal.
Copying or Reusing
This project has mixed licencing. You are free to copy, redistribute and/or modify aspects of this work under the terms of each licence accordingly (unless otherwise specified).
The StarLabs icon assets (any and all source `.svg` files or rendered `.png` files) are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License
Included scripts are free software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3
© Star Labs® / All Rights Reserved.
Any issues or questions, please contact us at
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Star LabTop Mk III: Open Source Edition. This version of the Star LabTop Mk III will include the most popular requests:
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+ 16GB 2400MHz memory
+ English (US) keyboard
+ Improved speaker output
See the OSc Edition here:
Ratings & Comments
hi i really want to install this theme. i use manjaro linux and the problem is that when i type in meson build this comes up $ meson build The Meson build system Version: 0.50.1 Source dir: /home/tavassoli/StarLabsTheme Build dir: /home/tavassoli/StarLabsTheme/build Build type: native build Project name: StarLabs Project version: 0.1 Build machine cpu family: x86_64 Build machine cpu: x86_64 extensions/ ERROR: File gnome-shell-extension-lockkeys/ does not exist.
Hi Proux We've just pushed an update to GitHub. You can download this by entering "git pull" from inside the StarLabsTheme folder. There's now a setup script which you run by typing: ./setup It should walk you through it and pull the required files. If you have any issues with that, please do let us know!
I can't get into the login page after I install this theme..Can I ask any help...:)
Hey Suxj. Sure, so you installed the theme and can't see "StarLabs" from the session list? What distro are you using?
Ubuntu18. I only passed the grub, can't even see my login page
It still not working after I uninstall the theme.
How did you install it, via the PPA or GitHub?
Strange. From a terminal, if you run the below commands: sudo apt purge starlabstheme sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-shell-common That should do the trick
Thx. I will try later.