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Suggested settings:
Sweet Kvantum theme
Sweet Aurorae theme
Sweet color scheme
Sweet Konsole color scheme
Candy icons
- Note -
Firefox: if you are a firefox user, you can give a chance to the sweet-dark extension for a better looking or try my complete Firefox-Sweet-Theme .
Ratings & Comments
10 Si gusto mucho
I could not find it on Kde theme store I am using kde neon 6
this only for KDE plasma ? i've try it with gnome in ubuntu but tweaks couldn't detect it
This one is, look up the gtk theme by the same creator
10 My favorite KDE Plasma theme. Works great with Kvantum to make the entire desktop have transparent blur.
10 Beatifull theme! Use on all my devices.
I would really like to get a desktop wallpaper from these screenshots. I can't find anywhere. HELP)
You can find them here => https://www.behance.net/gallery/55802705/PLANETS-ILLUSTRATION
8 great
8 8 great
8 Love this theme! I also love the Sweet-Light theme for Gnome. Are you planning on porting it to KDE? I'd love to switch between Sweet Light and Sweet Dark on KDE!
this image wallpaper will be available on git?
9 9 excellent
I love this theme! I am having trouble though viewing icons in applications such as Libre Office and Inkscape. If you look at this screenshot you will see some icons are easily visible like cut and copy, where others such as the first ones are difficult to make out. Is there something I can do to help myself on this? Thanks very much. https://humanint.com/personal/sweet-icons.png
10 10/10 that's quite awesome bro! Always when i install some distro running KDE i choose your "sweet styles" as my main themes and appearance. Greets from Michoacan XD
10 best kindly add folder colors
can you add folder colors for this theme too, i would like to have the purple folder color (the one for documents) for all folders. btw this theme is just lit, awesome work..
10 10 the best
Thanks! :)
10 The best theme!
Thanks! :)
9 Could you please update the Osd (sound keyboard brightness notifications) to the newer thinner bar versions? That would make my review an instant 10!
Osd style was updated! :)
Love the theme, however there is a bug in some menus where one of the title bar colors isn't updated by the theme, making it look incomplete in places. The two most prominent places this happens is in the top of the default app launcher around the search bar, and at the top of the settings menu right below the title bar.
it would be very useful if you opened an issue on github