Qogir Look-and-Feel Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Qogir KDE Plasma Look-and-Feel Theme
Qogir kde is a flat Design theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
For better looking please use this pack with:
1.--Qogir Colors theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298431/ .
2.--Qogir Plasma theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298357/ .
3.--Qogir Aurorae theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298366/ .
4.--Qogir Kvantum theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298349/ .
5. --Qogir icon theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1296407/ .
If you like my project, you can donate at:
PayPal : https://www.paypal.me/vinceliuice Last changelog:
Qogir kde is a flat Design theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
For better looking please use this pack with:
1.--Qogir Colors theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298431/ .
2.--Qogir Plasma theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298357/ .
3.--Qogir Aurorae theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298366/ .
4.--Qogir Kvantum theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1298349/ .
5. --Qogir icon theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1296407/ .
If you like my project, you can donate at:
PayPal : https://www.paypal.me/vinceliuice
Fixed issues
Ratings & Comments
10 Really nice theme! With every part of it carefully designed, and the combination is simply the best flat theme.
10 Simply perfect.
10 10 the best
10 The only theme that makes using KDE (or any other DE) a pleasure. Thanks for the hard work maintaining this theme. It is greatly appreciated!
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent
Hey vince, this is really great work. I saw you already updated McMojave and Layan Global Themes and they are now showing up on System Settings. I really appreciate that, thank you so much for your time. It would be great if you could update Qogir next, I think this is one of the most beautiful and complete theme and I use it on my system. Thanks again for updating Global Themes.
No problem! I'll fix this soon!
9 9 - Excellent Clean, simple, beautiful, flat, a great theme! I've found a little issue concerning the panel color styling - it seems to affect both Light and Dark variants: assuming we have three opened windows, and proceed to minimize the active one, we no longer have track of the bottom mark (the blue color disappears), whereas the background ones remain gray (an expected behavior). I suppose it should be colored with a gray color as well (or at least something else), since the application is still running, otherwise we couldn't keep track of what's actually running just by looking the panel). I really like this theme, and I'd be very grateful if this were fixed! Here you can see visually what I mean: https://imgur.com/gallery/zIR1uDa
10 Your works are definitely one the best here
Thank you!
10 10 the best
Great! But could you make also yakuake skin?
9 9 excellent
10 good
10 10 the best
Thank You, keep up the good work
10 10 los mejores
10 10 the best
Remembers me the Elementary theme. Really nicd!!