Video Demo HERE
Video desktop wallpaper for plasma KDE, based on "/u/samrog" plugin wallpaper.
NEW features
+ Pause the video when existing a maximized or full-screen windows.
+ Pause the video when the desktop is busy.
This minimizes the use of CPU resources.
Download and run:
kpackagetool5 -t Plasma/Wallpaper -i smartvideowallpaper.tar.gz
1. Choose Wallpaper Type: "Smart Video Wallpaper" in Wallpaper settings window.
2. Select your video.
3. The option "Use double player" : avoid annoying transition (black screen) in video loop playback.
Try my other works for Plasma.
Pear Dark look and feel inspired by PearOS
* Video and more details in
* Information Login Manager:
Video wallpapers sites: taken from desktophut, pexels, komorebi
Some videos:
seashore, waterfalls, anime and dreams of the sea - i like this one, try it with sound -
For use "Smart Video Wallpaper" when the charger is attached use the scripts in
* Configuration
First set execute permission for the scripts:
chmod +x
chmod +x
* Pluggued
SystemSettings > Notifications > Power Management > Configure events > Ac Adaptor plugged in > Run command > Select path script ""
* Unpluggued
SystemSettings > Notifications > Power Management > Configure events > Ac Adaptor unplugged > Run command > Select path script ""
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Ratings & Comments
Hi ADHE, I used parts of your code for my plasma wallpaper plugin (CityGrow). I also did a port to KDE6 recently. Since I used you code, I wanted to share the migrated code with you. Feel free to find any inspiration and keep the great work coming.
Will this app have a version for plasma 6? My Garuda forced entry to plasma 6. But this add-on is more important to me than plasma 6. Now I'm unable to use it... 😐
Doesn't work in Manjaro KDE Plasma Version: 5.26.4, KDE Frameworks Version: 5.100.0, Qt Version: 5.15.7, Kernel Version: 5.15.81-1-MANJARO (64-bit), Graphics Platform: X11.
Can you add the "don't pause" option? I have three monitors
5 for the people with blackscreen problem, here's the solution: first go to settings go to appearence click any theme and check use desktop layout from theme at bottom click apply go to splash screen and select none and apply logout login and unstall the addon.
1 This literally made my pc unusable, I can use apps with shortcuts, but it’s frozen on the splash screen and it changed the Lock Screen look, we’ll time to reinstall my manjaro
8 Great wallpaper engine. Is it possible to set up a videowallpaper with activities in KDE? It doesn't seem to work.
Does anyone know how I could set the video file from the command line/bash script?
10 10 the best
6 Great, but the RAM usage caused by this is an issue. I have 32GB of RAM and the animated wallpaper was causing my usage to go up to 17GB until I turned it off and rebooted. Now I am hovering at just over 2GB.
Have you looked at QTBUG-49446? Seems that the black flicker on loop has been addressed in QT5.13 by using flushMode property. Sample code: MediaPlayer{id: runningVideo source: "video.mp4" loops: MediaPlayer.Infinite autoPlay: true} VideoOutput { id: video anchors.fill: parent source: runningVideo flushMode: VideoOutput.FirstFrame } See: and Setting the first frame == last frame seems to resolve this. Perhaps an update to player.qml ? Thanks so much for your work. ind regards, Iestyn
10 Loved it, works straight out of the box.
10 Incredible!!! Any possibility to add funktion "select multiple wallpapers" and change them automaticly everery 15 minutes, half hour or whatever?
10 Black screen Debian y derivadas: apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav Arch y derivadas: sudo pacman -S qt-gstreamer gst-libav
Then reboot
Thanks for the Arch Linux pacman command! I tried to install the gstreamer (no qt-) package, without gst-libav, and it's not worked. Your command helps me.
1 Black screen, even after installing unmentioned required packages.
9 9 excellent got a black screen to start with, but figured out it was the gstreamer plug-in for X11, after that it worked fine, if you're cpu usage is high you can lower the quality of the video with ffmpeg and bring cpu usage to a more reasonable level.
10 Best alt to wallpaper engine for linux
10 10 the best
Getting black screen on Plasma 5.18.5. Any solution?
10 10 the best
8 If you use gentoo and you got black screen just enable "gstreamer" USE flag globally (recommended) or only for qtmultimedia.
9 it's the best. i have a request tho is it possible to add a way to schedule video change. thank you for your great work.