Available as/for:arm64armhfdebian-packagerelease-stablesource-packagex86x86-64
Description:A configurable terminal clock for your GNU/Linux system...
Installation is easy on any Linux system. For debian systems, you can install the debian package from here.
For any other Linux distribution, you can run the installer, found here: https://github.com/Souravgoswami/term-clock-root
For running the term-clock, you need:
1. Interpreter: Ruby 2.5 will work. Ruby 2.6+ is recommended.
2. Fonts: For Arch: noto-fonts and noto-fonts-emoji / Debian: fonts-noto-color-emoji should be installed (comes by default).
For Fedora / CentOS / OpenSUSE etc. other distribution you may want to install those font packages unless you don't have problem seeing the emoji and utf-8 characters used in this program.
If you don't want to install term-clock as root, then you may get term-clock from this repo: https://github.com/Souravgoswami/term-clock
# For bugs and security issues, please report to the respective github site.
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10 10 the best
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