Description: Default Xorg cursor set with few missing cursors added (zoom-in/zoom-out cursors...) and with few little changes: e.g "hand" cursor (it's visible when clicking links) is also in black color now and "watch" cursor is visible as animated colored ball (it was tacken from "Shere Khan X" cursor theme). To install it, just copy "X11-Default-Black" dir to /usr/share/icons. If you're using simple WM without GUI settings, then add "Xcursor.theme: X11-Default-Black" to ~/.Xresources (also add "xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources" to your WM autostart script). To use this cursor theme in GTK apps, add "X11-Default-Black" to "gtk-cursor-theme-name" line in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini files, or choose it via some GUI GTK settings application (e.g lxappearance).
I don't get why I can't install, I have tried extracting the folder in usr/share/icons and also in usr/icons but when I try to install the cursor set kde says is not a cursor file
Ratings & Comments
I don't get why I can't install, I have tried extracting the folder in usr/share/icons and also in usr/icons but when I try to install the cursor set kde says is not a cursor file
there is a shadow. can you make a no shadow version?
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best